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00:00 Walk Mode Integration
02:14 Consumables
02:57 Oil System
03:53 Updated Towing System
05:00 The Race of Heroes

BeamLR Update 1.15 comes with a bunch of new features including walk mode integration for owned vehicles, mission trailers and shop vehicles as well as a new item inventory for consumable type items, oil persistence and leak system and "The Race of Heroes" endgame event.

Walk mode has now been properly implemented into the mod allowing players to exit & enter some vehicles. In car shops vehicles can be explored in a more immersive way and the UI will reflect currently entered vehicle details. Players can also close the shop interface by walking back to their original vehicle. Trailers with interactive hydraulic controls such as gooseneck trailers can also be used from walk mode. Finally the gas stations have a new menu available when walking used to purchase "consumable" type items.

Speaking of which, two consumables have been added for the first iteration of the item inventory: Gas Canisters and Oil Bottles. They can be used to refill your vehicle in an emergency using a new page added to the BeamLR Main Menu UI.

Oil quantity is now persistent for BeamLR vehicles, value is shown in the statistics UI and will save just like the fuel quantity. Vehicles with a high odometer value (from 100,000 KM) also slowly leak oil which adds an incentive to upgrade to low mileage vehicles. Leak rate gets worse with odometer increase (ex: empty in 1 hour for 200K, 30 minutes for 400K). While this leak rate is not really realistic it is there for gameplay purposes and options to control this behavior will be added in coming updates.

The towing mechanic has also been updated with the ability to choose tow destination, not much to say about this other than the fact that it should be helpful in situations where you've ran out of fuel.

Finally a final "boss" e..

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00:00 Part Images Preview
01:56 Quality Comparison

This is a short preview of the part images coming to BeamLR as a new addon zip file. These make it much easier to customize vehicles without having to use freeroam to see what parts look like before buying them. The addon will be released alongside 1.14.3 update which adds needed UI changes to handle the part images, including a new UI app to view the full sized images which is opened by clicking on thumbnails.

Archives containing over 9000 (literally) individual images will be made available in three different formats:

- Low Quality JPG Files (144 MB)
- High Quality JPG Files (433 MB)
- Max Quality PNG Files (846 MB)

The low quality JPG files do have some compression artifacts, a comparison can be seen at the end of the video. Differences are hardly noticeable at thumbnail size but will be more visible on full size images when viewed in the UI app. The high quality JPG files should be the best compromise between file size and quality for most players.

Creating part images for all vanilla cars currently available to buy in BeamLR has been a month long process involving custom BeamNG lua scripts (to loop through available parts and take base screenshots) and C# scripts (to crop the images and encode them to various quality levels) which should be made available eventually for players who wish to do the same for modded vehicles.

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00:00 Gasoline Tiers
01:26 Diesel

BeamLR 1.14.2 update comes with a new improved fuel system which adds different Gasoline tiers as well as Diesel.

Gasoline tiers are Regular, Mid-Grade and Premium. Using better gasoline tiers gives a slight increase to output torque, this is not 100% realistic (from what I understand in real life high octane fuel is used in high compression engines to prevent knock which means it must be used to achieve full performance) but makes sense for gameplay in a racing game. The fuel quality and output torque increase is calculated by checking the ratio of different fuel tiers in the fuel tank. For example, a gas tank that contains 100% Mid-Grade fuel has a fuel quality of 110%, with Premium fuel it would be 120%. Any different mix is calculated accordingly, for example 50/50 Regular and Mid-Grade would have a fuel quality of 105%. This value is used to scale the engine's output torque.

With the addition of Diesel, checks are now performed when refueling. When the incorrect fuel type is used (For example Diesel in a Gasoline engine), the engine will be disabled and can only be fixed by first draining the tank before adding the correct fuel type.

For the first release of this feature price scaling between fuel types and tiers is hardcoded however future versions may add map-based fuel price scaling since I believe Diesel is cheaper in Europe than in the US.

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00:00 First race
01:32 Second race
02:34 Starting lights closeup

This is a quick preview for the West Coast USA dragstrip implementation coming to BeamLR 1.14 update. This includes starting lights (Christmas tree), speed & time displays as well as the cinematic slow motion ending camera effect from vanilla dragstrip races. The slow motion and camera effects can be turned on or off through options if players feel this breaks the immersion, in which case values can still be observed on displays until the race menu is closed.

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00:00 Advanced Vehicle Building & Part Selling
02:01 Advanced Repair Cost Calculation
03:17 GPS UI
04:54 Gooseneck Delivery Missions
06:53 New Trailer Configs

This video showcases some of the updates coming in version 1.13 of BeamLR including advanced vehicle building, advanced repair cost, GPS UI and gooseneck trailer deliveries.

Advanced vehicle building is an experimental feature shown in my last video that works by disabling all default part values in jbeam files making it so parts do not spawn with attached sub-parts. This makes for a more realistic or SLRR-like part editing experience. When removing parts from a vehicle, all sub-parts attached to the parent part are added to the inventory. For instance, by removing the bed on a pickup, the tailgate, taillights and bed accessory are added to inventory. However, when adding the bed back, these parts will be initially missing and must be manually added. This feature is not recommended for casual players as it can make part upgrades quite confusing especially during engine swaps. BeamNG is also not built to handle missing default parts in some cases so engines missing important parts like ECU, long block, exhaust manifold, etc. will still run.

This feature allows for another much requested feature: part selling. Without advanced vehicle building parts spawning with defaults attached could be used in money exploits so part selling is only enabled when using advanced vehicle building. Parts can be sold at a scaled down value compared to purchased price. The feature is not intended as a way to make money, more as a way to recuperate a bit of money from parts you no longer need, so it will likely need a few balance passes taking into consideration vehicle sell price before being fair.

The update also adds a new repair cost calculation system that more accurately reflects vehicle damage. This system checks ..

This is a (very) experimental change to BeamNG allowing for a more advanced vehicle building experience. By making slight edits to jbeam loading scripts, vehicle slots no longer spawn with pre-attached default parts and all slots can now be set to "Empty". For instance, the pickup cab spawns without an interior (no dashboard, seats, etc) and the bed spawns without a tailgate. This also works for engine parts however BeamNG isn't built to handle engines with missing core parts so engines will still run despite missing parts like the intake, exhaust manifold, oil pan and long block.

This change is mostly made to better handle changes to the inventory system of BeamLR which currently allows exploits like new parts being created for free. For instance, removing the tailgate then removing and adding back the bed, a new tailgate is created and the old tailgate stays in the inventory. The new inventory system should properly handle linked parts being removed and since all parts spawn without defaults the previously explained exploit is fixed hopefully allowing for part selling, which is a much requested feature.

The advanced vehicle building script may be released as a standalone mod if there is enough interest. Keep in mind this is very experimental and breaks a lot of stuff, for instance all vanilla configs are missing parts

A better timelapse, this time the AI takes over the whole map too.

Time lapse of my RTS base building AI taken at 3fps over about 2 hours, played back at 16x speed for the first few minutes then at 32x for the remaining of the video.

The AI starts by picking closest unoccupied "continents" ( individual landmasses ) and starts building roads and buildings according to set rules. One of the rules is that the AI will try to build about 20 buildings in a certain "Region" before trying to build a new road and starting a new region at the ending point.

Showing off an updated version of the simple city building AI of the Tile Map Accelerator RTS tech demo. Although not very smart, the AI can now follow the basic ruleset of the game and expand by building city tiles and painting roads until the entire "continent" it occupies is taken over. From there the next step is to let the AI create an "airport" structure on a different continent and repeat the process.

The AI script is currently single threaded and may benefit greatly from multi threading, although it is well optimized for single threaded performance and does not slow down even as more and more buildings are added. Places where structures or roads can be built are calculated using small groups of previously placed structures called "Regions" then picked at random. The road algorithm uses a random walk with automatic avoidance to attempt to reach further areas, however it could use some detection of existing roads to avoid littering a large area with useless road tiles.

Showing off some modular road pieces that work using simple LUT based tile selection, encoding tile neighborhoods as unique byte values to retrieve the correct road piece.

This is the core of a simple airport mechanic, 3 airplane entities with a random destination airport are being generated at random airports every 5 game tick.

Since the last release/video a few features have been added, notably the radar structure based map view restriction and revamps to the UI including detailed structure descriptions and a hovering cost preview when the cursor is above a structure build button.

Latest addition to the RTS Game Project built around the Tile Map Accelerator tile map rendering shader. This new feature allows for loading of external sprites mod files and can even apply those new sprites during runtime without having to stop the rest of the game from running.

This feature works both in Editor and in Standalone builds but is more suited towards Standalone Builds to allow user mods since developers can already add sprites through the Editor.

Get Tile Map Accelerator :

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A CA driven "Falling-sand" simulation running on a Compute Shader. The simulation consists of 4096x4096 ( over 16 million ) cells and does not slow down as particles are added, as the state of each cell in the grid is constantly being computed in parallel on the GPU. Overall a quite enjoyable little project to build despite the added complexity of implementing powder physics ( gravity, sliding ) using CA rules.

FPS can be seen in the top right of the screen. Stable framerates of over 100 FPS have been achieved on a 8192x8192 sized simulation grid.

Quick preview of the Isometric Support on Tile Map Accelerator, the Unity3D tile map rendering shader. Despite 3 layers of tile map data having been merged together on a single mesh in order to allow the fake 3D effect, thus requiring 3 texture sampling for each pass of the fragment shader, as well as a bunch of extra shader logic, the performance remains largely unaffected.

Get it now on the asset store :

Testing object to object automatic z layering in Tile Map Accelerator. The system partitions the map into various regions and stores objects in region based arrays that can then be accessed by other objects. The shader based layers are spaced out to allow same size "slots" of z axis positions, which non tile map objects then use to correctly be in front / behind other objects.

Get the asset now !

Simple demonstration of automatic z axis layering using Tile Map Accelerator, the tile map rendering shader Unity asset. Layering works by checking the various tile map layers to see if any non transparent tiles are currently "above" the player. You can see this happen by looking at the Z position parameter at the top right of the screen. This system should work as is, which currently only checks the "center" neighbor, but will benefit from checking the full neighborhood, especially for larger objects that must use the automatic layering system such as large enemies, npcs, critters, movable objects, etc.

The very basic 8 directional character sprite sheet is animated based on keyboard input and the various lines of numbers, representing the correct animation frames to use and in what sequence. This system meshes with the native sprite sheet editor / splitter, where the numbers represent which "sub sprite" should be used.

Quick test of multi layer templates being applied to simplex noise maps. There is a total of 3 templates selected. Tile Template should benefit from the "Random Tile Group" feature of my dungeon generator to add a degree of randomness to templates.

Get the asset before version 1.1 releases :

Quickly showing off a simple multi layer tile map, using transparency to allow the player walking "behind" things in an otherwise 2D world.

The system works similarly to any other tile map layering system, using the Z position of the mesh relative to camera to create multiple different layers.

Quick update video for TMA, the texture bombing unity asset capable of rendering gigantic tile maps with 1000+ FPS performance.

Get it now at a reduced price before the update drops!

Showing off the "Auto Chunking" feature, allowing for faster edit baking thanks to a reduced texture size sent to the shader. This feature will be added in version 1.1 of the asset. Chunk amount is customizable to handle different map sizes or use cases.

In this video, the map size is 2048x2048 and chunk amount is 8x8, which means each chunk is 256x256 tiles in size. At this size, the framerate only drops to 500 for a few frames during update baking on a single chunk, more than enough for most games that constantly require live edits to be baked.

Also, the plane mesh used to render the tile map has been replaced by a quad, saving some verts / tris. You can observe the triangle count changing as the camera is zooming in and out over the map.

Testing map wide animations for Tile Map Accelerator.

Get it now on the Asset Store !

In this demo, the "long grass" tile type has been animated using two extra frames of animation stored in the tile set and by using an alternating "back and forth" style animation loop the total animation length is 4 frames, running at 7 fps.

The main tile map mesh is duplicated for each frame and those frames are then toggled as fast as the animation framerate demands it. Implemented using [PerRenderData] with MaterialPropertyBlock to allow for the active layer changes to be set using a single SetTexture call while each frame has it's own custom tile set. This custom tile set is just the regular tile set with some regular tile type sprites switched for the next frame of the animation for a particular type.

Grab this voucher while you still can! ASV-LXAQ-KFFA-GQWU-93PQ-VP3A

Introducing Tile Map Accelerator, a shader capable of smoothly rendering gigantic tile maps.

This is my latest Unity Asset, which includes not only the tile map renderer but also a whole set of utilities to deliver features such as tile map mouse interaction, collision detection and even runtime edits of the tile map.

Simple procedural bookshelf filling using my latest Unity3D asset : Procedural Area Spawner. This video takes place within another project of mine : Procedural Dungeon Toolkit.

Check out both projects on my publisher page!

Yep, it works for ropes too!

A quick test of the custom FPS controller script that will be included with the upcoming 1.30 update to Procedural Dungeon Toolkit, as a replacement for the Standard Assets' FPS controller. This custom controller allows for crouching and leaning with wall detection as well as ladder climbing, which is shown off in this video.

Get the asset here :

Get the asset here :

A small "stress" test of the Procedural Dungeon Toolkit Multiplayer scripts. Showing off a bit of the lobby features like changing player name and the chat box, as well as the game start process. Each spawn tile can currently handle up to 4 players by giving each player an offset from the center of that tile.

I would test it with more clients but due to a lack of available hardware, I'd say 4 players is a good start for a first release of this multiplayer addon for the generator. User feedback should also help a lot to debug load related issues.


Created 5 years, 9 months ago.

31 videos

Category Science & Technology

I program by day, game by night and spawn fresh memes whenever possible.