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Owner kedai segan nanti kitorang upload bila owner kedai ready..makan shawarma di border Afghanistan

Moh makan

Jom teruskan perjalanan ke termez uzbekistan

Melawat makam Imam Tirmidzi di Sherobod Termez Uzbekistan


Ok dah selesai visit Imam Bukhari punya makam kita teruskan perjalanan ke Termez untuk ke Makam Imam Tirmidzi pulak..tengok la makcik ni paksa aku beli pen pulak hahahhaahha

Imam Bukhari Figura terpenting di uzbekistan dan dunia Islam khususnya dilahirkan di Bukhara dan meninggal dunia di Samarkand Uzbekistan.. 30 tahun berjuang mengumpul hadis2 sohih di serata dunia mengorbankan masa jiwa dan tenaga.. al - fatihah

Melawat Makam imam Bukhari RA

Jom ke makam imam Bukhari

Dah sampai Samarkand jap lg kita g Makam imam Bukhara, lepak dulu mkn coklat sblm gerak

Jom kita ke Samarqand lepak jap sebelum berlepas ke termez

Borak2 dgn makcik lepas tu g kat Golden minaret Bukhara Uzbekistan

Jom jalan2 di Bukhara pada malam hari singgah di Annur Souvenir shop kepunyaan Akmal

Jom jalan2 di Bukhara uzbekistan cari sovenir di kedai Annur kedai Akmal

Sarapan terakhir di Bukhara dan sempat lunch makan plov dan manti sebelum berangkat ke Samarqand..Sedihnya rindu betul dekat Bukhara..terima kasih mr barzu sebab layan kami dengan baik di Hotel sukhrob barzu

Forgotten Madrasah.. masa ni otw ke golden minaret jalan2 sikit

Jom kita jalan tengok historical sites kat Bukhara

Sarapan pagi di Bukhara Sokrub Barzur Hotel

Jom ikut saya ke Bukhara Uzbekistan bersama katil ketapi halimunan xD

Jom ke bukhara Uzbekistan bersama katil halimunan :D

Jom kita singgah Metro Ghafur Ghulom dan Toshkent..kita beli tiket ke Bukhara kembara Uzbekistan

Solat isya di Masjid Koh ota Mama dan kareem belanja chai on the way balik..legendary act dari Tashkent Uzbekistan

Legend Kareem dari Tashkent Uzbekistan belanja kitorang lagi sangat peramah orang di sini Alhamdulillah

The mosque was built in 1834-1835 and is considered one of the oldest mosques in Tashkent. The mosque was named so because it was built next to the mausoleum of Koh Ota and is located in the territory of the "Koh Ota" neighborhood. Islamic prayers were held in the mosque until 1937 [3] [4] . On April 5, 1990, on the basis of the decision No. 90/7 of the Council of People's Deputies of Shaikhontohur district, the area around the building was given to the community. Neighborhood activists will consult and start restoration of the mosque on the site of this building. This year, the mosque was reconstructed by the residents of the neighborhood and started to function. In 2004-2005, Koh Ota Mosque was partially renovated. In August 2017, the mosque's reconstruction work began as the building of the mosque was under repair in recent years. The new mosque has a hall for 2000 seats, a library, ablution room and service rooms. The mosque was completed at the end of 2018 [3] . "Koh-ota" mausoleum, a historical monument dating back to the 14th century, is located in the area adjacent to the mosque

Father Koh is a historical person whose original name was Sheikh Kamaluddin. There is relatively little historical information about this person, and there are various legends that are mainly in the mouth of the people. In the 10th century, His Holiness Koh was one of the students of the famous scholar Qaffol Shoshi, who reached the level of a corruptor. He was a scholar of tafsir and mysticism. He was the spiritual teacher of Amir Temur, although they lived in different eras. Amir Temur Koh could not find his father when he was alive. Koh's father was originally from Egypt. He is also said to have been a trained wrestler, and he was known for his incredible strength and size, which enabled him to travel the world and compete in wrestling matches. Perhaps this played a major role in giving him the nickname "ko'-ota", as this word means "father mountain" when translated from Persia..


Created 4 years, 4 months ago.

246 videos

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