Immortal Hearts

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Immortal Hearts

Certified Health Coach news


Can we know what the proper time is?

Time, does it matter?

I believe it does, why else would there be so much confusion with such a daily occurrence?

How the early church screwed up time-

Information on various topics-

Reported from an undisclosed location deep within enemy territory

I will be going over this study for the next two weeks and using clips for my instagram account- I will share the gems 💎 here

Chuck has passed on and so did the Apostle John, we get to enjoy what they left us.


Here are some clips I found, with increasing frequency the Bible is under attack

Let’s study repentance because it’s required to be born again.

The synagogue of Satan.

Here is some more information, trump or trumpeter or horn

Here is some information that maybe you don’t know, here is something maybe you forgot,

I spent time watching videos on Obama as the Antichrist, I was and am still open to learn, this is interesting information ℹ️ so stick this in your bag of possibilities and shake it around

Just some random guy putting a video together for your entertainment

Here is part of a study about Trump being the little horn, the man of sin the last Antichrist.

I don’t agree or disagree, I’m collecting evidence and looking at the facts as I see them both Biblical and what we are allowed to see of the production and programming they tell us is our reality.

Some things that I found that are interesting to think about- Trump? No way.

Speed edit ✍️ with no music, 🎶 we are in the last days, we are living in the book of Revelation

Dr. Chuck Missler Return Of The Nephilim

Nanotechnology and how far they can go-


Created 4 years ago.

200 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Seeking Truth? So are we.