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The long con is working on many of our countrymen. It is well practiced.

I am not a big fan of Mike Adams because he was slow to catch up. But even he "gets" this, more or less.

His What On Earth Happened is what convinced me of the Flat Earth
Link to Ewaranons - What On Earth Happened,

Full length version - catching up a bit on Tucker

I posted a part of this already, this is the whole thing. Most folks won't know that the Willard Hotel was were most of the Union Generals stayed during the Civil War. Oddly enough, Albert Pike said the same thing about the time of the Civil War in his book Morals And Dogma.
Link to Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma,

Joe and Tucker chat

I wish Tucker would catch the fuck up. He runs right up to the edge, but just won't say it.

I have been saying this since Catherime Bleish revealed what Alex Jones was, in Austin TX. Alex is indeed COINTELPRO and on the payroll of the Intelligence community. This is stuff right out of MK-Ultra. Thanks to TheWarAgainsYou channel. I normally wait a day or two before reposting, but not for this.
Link to Alex Jones - COINTELPRO,

Hired by Fred Zundel's defense team to examine Auschwitz scientifically, Fred Leuchter returned with a report that the Holocaust was technically impossible, and just not true. Later the Polish court and the Red Cross agreed with him and the number said to have been died there was reduced to about 400,000. Many of these deaths came after the Allies bombed the RR tracks and roads of the surrounding are, making food and medicinal supply impossible. This ia Fred's cameraman attempt at a hit piece on Fred. I think the cameraman missed the mark.
Link to The Fred Leuchter Report - Exposing the Holocaust,
Link to Holohoax - The Second Leuchter Report,

There is a North Pole, which is magnetic, but there is no South Pole, except in the minds of those lying to us.
Thanks to the Jim Crenshaw channel for this.

Well, we were right. All the memes were correct. The Medical Community screwed us again. Here exactly how it was done by a woman who coded for the hospitals and quit to avoid having it done to her. The hospitals killed everyone, not the CONVID. If you got through the PCR test without being admitted you were damned lucky.

Full Film

Well, the jig is up, quit dancing. Wait until you find out about fossil fuels.

Full Interview - Apologies for the graphic overlay, they are not mine., and they are not Tuckers.

Full Interview

I looked at a 1979 4 cyl. Jaguar Tiger Roadster the other day. At my age, though, I would need an engine hoist to get in and out of it.

This was requested by a friend. Some say white slavery still exists in Jackson MS today, but I think these days we call it Human Trafficking.

Cleaning out my Video slush folder some more, Some of these are 18 months old.

We have to keep up with our friend Chris, aka LivinLarge
Link to LivinLarge - subscribe to his channel here,

As I said very soon after Oct. 7th, and this is why I said it early on. But really, hasn't almost everything been an Inside Job?
Link to The Mystery Of Israel Solved,


Created 3 years, 9 months ago.

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