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A former high school teacher who was fired for refusing to use students’ preferred pronouns has been awarded a $360,000 settlement from the Jurupa Unified School District in California.

The lawsuit, filed in May 2023 by Advocates for Faith and Freedom, was a response to the firing of Jessica Tapia, a gym teacher who refused to follow the district’s pronoun policy back in 2022.

Tapia’s refusal was based on her Christian beliefs, which she cited as the reason for not accommodating students’ gender identities.

Conservative-Populist Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot today and wounded at a government meeting.
Leftist Writer Juraj Cintula Arrested Following Attempted Assassination of Populist Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico
Robert Fico expected to SURVIVE!

This video is interesting and i want to know your opinion about it! Who is in the wrong here?
Is the man? The woman? Both?
I would love to see your comments guys and if you love what i do on my channel, please subscribe and share the video!
Love to you all

Well, he was against his country involvement in the war in Ukraine, isnt? Thats what i heard..Is this the truth or not?
Lets find out the truth together!

Harrison Butker is a christian that happens to be a catholic! And he stands for common sense, decency, godly structure of society in which a man is NOT afraid to be a man!
But, the far left extremists of course they were offended by his speech and forced super woke NFL to condemn him.
This is his speech and im honored to share it here on my channel! Take a look!

This is the video that Dallas Jenkins released with my comment and reaction and if you want to vote this is what you need to do:

1. Visit
2. On the “TV Impact” category, click Jonathan & Jesus until the checkmark turns green.
3. Provide your name and email and click “Vote”.
4. Once you receive the email confirming your vote, click “Confirm Your Vote”.
Be sure to complete Step #4! Otherwise, your vote won’t be counted.
Pro-Tip: Please ALSO Vote for The Chosen Season 4 in the “Film Impact” category.

This is a super awesome collection of bloopers and if you had a stressful day or you just want to laugh and see the human side of our heroes from the Chosen, this is the video for you! Take a look and be blessed!
God bless you all my friends!

If not the bias against Israel, this beauty Eden Golan would have won EUROVISION 2024!
Here it is a short compilation with some awesome pictures with her! God bless her and GOD BLESS ISRAEL!!

If Eurovision would not be the woke joke that is today, she would have for sure won!
But, no, they had to appease the ultra woke far left crowd that is paying the money ofcourse!
Eden Golan went back home in Israel and they greet her with so much love that it filled my eyes with tears too!
Take a look and be blessed!

This is trending all over the internet so as you know, if its trending, you will find the video here with my reaction and comments!
What do you guys think? People are flocking to Trump thousands upon thousands..
Whats gonna happen in November? Let me know


Created 2 years ago.

1986 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

I will post videos about my faith, interesting stuff that i find on the internet and some times politics! Stay close