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Jason Breshears, Archaix tells a story of how he & Dawn Hamm Heart had a woman living at Dawn's house with them. They gave her & another woman $ to travel to California. In California the 2 women proceeded to hold an elderly woman captive in her own house and clean out all her drugs, shipping them back to Texas. The elderly woman was a fan of Archaix, per Jason.

One might get the impression Dawn Hamm Heart was running a flop house for "podcasters" and assorted hanger-ons. One might conclude Archaix had catalogued all of his "fans" and sent those women there to that house. One might conclude Jason was upset the women kept the loot for themselves, instead of sending it back to him at Dawn's house.

But that would all be CONJECTURE on the listener's part.

11+ minutes in, Jason talks about this woman Cheryl... by 20+ minutes in Jason talks about Cheryl & another woman traveling to California on money Jason & Dawn gave them... where they proceeded to rip off an elderly female drug dealer who was a fan of Jason's work.

Source: Video Posted 2 months ago to the Errants Discord

Is this video real? Is it a Deep fake?
Was it posted by Jason Breshears himself to the Errants Discord?

Original Video Link here. Not sure how long this link will last. Timestamps are for this link-

Link: https://data-2.playeur.com/v/Mm/E4/ZD/7rb5HD6cSp_/7rb5HD6cSp__original.mp4

Hispanic Man filmed eating a human leg, while walking on the street in California. March 22, 2024.

I've tracked numerous cases of Cannibalism in the USA in the past 4 years since the BS19 Lockdown & the Saint George Floyd BN/ POC "Peaceful Protests."

Most cases involve BN or some other ethnic POC murdering & eating another human being.

This case involves a Hispanic Man picking up the severed leg & chewing on it- from the victim of a train accident.

If one pays closer attention to all the local news stories, that never make the nationwide TV news, you might be startled to realize Cannibalism is taking place all over the USA. How many more cases are going unreported?

Watch you back.

Biden's State of The Union March 2024

State of The Union
They Wear Masks
They Are Not Human
They Are All Monsters
They Are Here to Eat You
The Great Human Harvest

Abra Kadabra... this is a message to the SIMULACRA , show me the $








State of The Union
They Wear Masks
They Are Not Human
They Are All Monsters
They Are Here to Eat You
The Great Human Harvest

Abra Kadabra... this is a message to the SIMULACRA , show me the $








Break Free or Die Trying.
What do you have to loose, you're going to die anyway.

The choice is yours. Live in fear & die like a coward or push past the fear & see how far you can evolve.

Does it really matter if it is the left hand path, the right hand path or the middle path? There is only the path your forge for yourself. You either enjoy this prison & the hell they put you through or you don't.

If you don't, you either live in fear or you push past it & see how far you can go.

Original Source of video- David Block

Let's see what neon lights, what warning signs the majority of us overlook. NIISH is the perfect guest to draw our attention to the mysterious and the foreboding...

Niish: https://thecosmicsalon.com/
Niish: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcas…

Besides whatever host of "diseases" & "parasites" on the physical & morphogenic levels these foreign POC invaders bring with them to INFECT our homeland... Do not believe for 1 minute the WEF, UN & all the NGOs in combination with the United States Government ARE NIT injecting these HORDES on INVADERS with "vaccines."

"Vaccines" as Biological Weapons with Delayed Release Payloads.

David Block- https://youtu.be/lmL9cs5SxK8

The Sound of Silence,"
originally "The Sounds of Silence," is a song by the American music duo Simon & Garfunkel, and was written by Paul Simon.

Cover: Disturbed

The War of Flickering Lights

Optogenetics, nano-tech, digital devices creating another layer of the matrix around you.

Lalita mentions a Transgender Reptilian that invaded Earth & raped the women.

Does that bring to mind the Damien Dumar / Lucien Mars material of their Lucifera Queen & The Last Harvest?

Lalita mentions how humans used to have 1 blood type which was neither RH1 nor RH+. The work of Karla at Extreme Reality Check has a detailed presentation on the original Blood type as 0 RH-. the RH+ being a form of nano-tech that was added to humanity in the past to drain off our energy. And blood types A, B, AB also different forms of nano-tech to drain off our energy.

Original Source:

Clip from Lalita Karoli with psychedelic background images from Soul on Ice (Youtube)

Lalit Karoli:


Xtreme Reality Check- Blood Types:


Niish: Conversation with Damien Dumar on The Last Harvest


Screenshots & Data Dump for November 2023









A glorified AI ankle monitor. So cool, enthusiastic sales pitch on their new device brought to you by 2 robotic drones in what looks like a prison.



Everyone saying how great he is.

The son of Hindu Indian immigrants. Went to Harvard & Yale. Made his billion dollar fortune in Biotech. His firm, that he funded Roivant manufactues Lipid Nano Particles with the NEXT GENERATION of mRNA gene editing technolg, called siRNA gene editing.

They insert their RNA Gene Editing Technology into Lipid Nano Particles & them put this inside the "medicines" they give.

No joke. Why has no one mentioned this? What else is Vivek's Biotech Firm involved in? Plenty. Check it out for yourself.





AI data medical collecting

Partnerships with Pfizer, Roche & the Chine Communist Party, etc..

Something strange is going on.
I am very thankful for the material & information Sabrina brought to my awareness.
That said, there are disturbing red flags in regards to some of the material Sabrina puts out.
This is just one of the more glaring red flags. There are others; if one is watching with discernment,
as opposed to watching in a trance like state.

The purpose of this video, is not to place any criticism upon Sabrina. Rather, this video is asking questions.
Questions about what this REALM is we are in? How does this REALM operates? How this REALM uses, abuses & to a certain extent might be "protecting" certain "characters." How many of the people around us, including those who bring us vital information are operating under some type of "influence." How many of us, you & me, when we interact with or "consume" the material presented to us by other- do so in a trusting. trance like state?

If the Covid, Lockdown, Masking & Vaccination Agenda taught us anything, it should have taught us something strange
is going. It's time for all of us to wake up, be consciously aware, use logic & mental discernment.

The White House is listed on Zillow.com
America has been sold. Ownership has been transferred.

Niish & Amy Dee breakdown the idea of possession: From religious to digital, to full AI immersion.

Original Source: https://rumble.com/v3rxgwb-primadonnas-of-the-gutter-possessed.html


Niish on Patreon:



They Live! Hyper Realistic Silicone Face Masks. Who or What is Under the Mask?

$100+ More Billion For Israel & the Ukraine... Bankrupting & Destroying America.

Do you hear the call from your soul beckoning you further. . .
At this point on the board one should start to question not how real your memories are, rather, how real are you.

How real is this Dream...
Where are we, really, where is this...


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What is real?
Rachel in the Blade Runner thought she was human, only to realize one day she was a replicant. Alice through the looking glass; who is real, what is this world?


Crypto Wallet Donations








♦︎ ♦︎
Bryan Kofron, formerly industry insider turned whistleblower.

Remote Neural Monitoring.

The Tech is Powerful & has been in existence for DECADES, they JACK into you & see through your eyes, hear through your ears.

( Consider all your favorite, most beloved & respected little underground deepest of the deep woo podcasters whom you are so loyal to & love so much.

Over the years they told you THEY KNEW about the tech, Because they are so special they were in PROJECT LOOKING GLASS or Montaulk Project as a kid. MMMM HMMM. So after the March 2020 lockdown when it was obviously balls to the wall time for fast forward rollout of all thsi TECH WONDER onto the Entire American Populace... what did your beloved podcast- DIGITAL ONLINE HANDLER- do?

Kept gaslighting you. Never really told you in plain words how far advanced all this was. Also kept LYING TO YOU, that the tech was BROKEN, by them, as kids. No it was not.

Also consider how many of your beloved little deepest of the deep woo DIGITAL ONLINE HANDLERS & Love & Light psychics are vessels & victims themselves.... even as they try to convey to their audience meaningful words- their own brain being remotely JACKED INTO.

All those "memories of their childhood experiences- yeah how their entore body was full of the black goo in their veins & they hacked it- how they waled through brick walls regularly-

How much of that is them as a child put into the most VR / AR tech & run through simulations? These people a good percentage of them are INCAPABLE of deciphering what was "REAL" versus what was a "SIMULATION" run on them.

That is why they are RELEASED to put out their podcasts on the "public."

Alice in the VR Simulation. Are You Alice? Are in a Simulation?

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOHDdG36Ajg

From as early as seven years old, Wonderland has been a beacon of inspiration for me. The insatiable curiosity of Alice and the dreamlike scenarios of Lewis Carroll’s universe have always resonated deeply within me. Just like Alice, I’ve always been driven to question everything, making curiosity my life’s driving force.

The concept of simulation theory has intrigued me since childhood, prompting me to question the nature of my own reality. A cherished memory of mine involves my grandmother—a woman profoundly in tune with nature, yet also a passionate gamer. I can still picture her playing the original Tomb Raider. She paused, looked at me, and whispered, “One day, these virtual worlds will be as real as our own.” That sentiment set me on a path of endless wonder.

Over the years, we’ve witnessed films with breathtaking visuals and video game engines, like Unreal, pushing the boundaries of realism. Then came the AI revolution.

Biosensors, WBAN, Wireless Body Area Network, Internet of Human Bodies, Humans hooked up to the AI cloud. The tech is in ALL of US, not just the Vaxxed.

Virus, Exosomes, DNA, Chromosomes, Biosensors, WBAN, Wireless Body Area Network, Corona Rona as a ROUTING Network & Digitally Induced Pandemic, Terahertz, 5G, Millimeter Wave, Holistic Healing Liars, Wheat versus the Tares, Sociopaths


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Created 4 years, 7 months ago.

27 videos

Category Vlogging