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Halloween embodies the height of Satan’s HATRED and EVIL and pictures his plan of DEATH for mankind.

God has given us so much just think of all we have food water heat and so on we take everything for granted so how much
time do you have with God

The best video on bible verses about lawlessness. In this video we will explore what the bible has to say about lawlessness.

The choice is ours

The Coronavirus ( COVID-19 ) is here and it’s deadly, but how should Christians respond? What does the Bible say about the Coronavirus? Does the Bible say a virus will usher in the end times? What about other pandemic diseases? In this video Pastor Nelson with Bible Munch answers the question, “What does the Bible say about pandemic diseases/sicknesses?”.

the white horse of revelation is riding

Since the beginning of mankind it has been understood that marriage is defined as wedlock between a man and a woman, but where did this characterization come from? Is it accurate? Are same-sex marriages legitimate? What about the so-called modern family—that is women or men who choose to raise children without a father or mother? What about homosexual parents? What makes ideas about family today so different from the natural arrangement dating back to beginning of the human race? These questions are answered during the latest episode of the World to Come, presented by Terry Moore

History of religious symbols such as the kippah, ichthis, crescent star, mitre, and the cross. Presented by Terry Moore

Pandemics that are prophesied to occur are examined in this episode of Quest for Truth

Corruption as a result of deceit is rampant. Who is behind it all?

What the woke movement and cancel culture is about, and where it is headed.

Isaiah 5:20-21. Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, And prudent in their own sight! Romans 8:7. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be.
Deuteronomy 22:5 A woman must not wear men's clothing, and a man must not wear women's clothing, for whoever does these things is detestable to the LORD your God. A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.


Disney is marketed as family friendly. Princesses are very appealing to young girls and aim to be role models. But what messages is Disney promoting and even other cartoons? Is mixing of magic and teaching to do away with the law Biblical?

This little boy, James Bowman's Elmo toy started making death threats after a battery change. An Elmo doll begins saying what sounds like death threats after getting new batteries. The Toy started saying kill James

A Wand, dubbed 'Evil Stick', promises 'wonderful music', magic and fairies

But underneath silver foil, it shows image of girl slitting wrists with knife. Available from dollar store, it also emits cackling laugh and flashing lights. 'I'm outraged,' said Nicole Allen, who purchased toy for her daughter, two. Store's owner said it was parents' responsibility to read the wand's label. He added that he believed the product was appropriate for older children. 'For a five, six, seven, 10-year-old, I mean they see that on TV everyday'

Did you know that toys are now indoctrinating your children into system of religion?

Is it alright for Christians to watch movies that are loaded with spiritualism or the occult? The old testament has very strong language to describe God's hatred for such practices. He warns not to have anything to do with it in any way shape or form yet today, it seems common place for movie plot lines. Are the warnings for us today as they were for ancient Israel?

Lady Gaga has a long history with shocking her audiences with her imagery and often occult themed shows. But what is more shocking is she claims to follow Jesus. Is it all just an act? (be advised,


Abortion - Ritual Child Sacrifice Can the Sin of Abortion Be Forgiven?

The Bible warns of a time of trouble called the great tribulation that the world will have to suffer before the second coming of Jesus Christ. Most Christians believe that they will be spared from this because they will be raptured out of the world before it happens. But what if they don't get raptured out of the world? What if what they have been taught is a satanic deception to actually trap them when the tribulation happens? Find out more by watching this video!

Daniel explains the difference between man-made religion and a real relationship with God.

Why were you born series you can watch the 11 remaining parts at This series take an in depth look at purpose why God created mankind. From a speck of dust to a son of God.

a short video about idols from different countries and Bible verses about idolatry.


Created 3 years, 2 months ago.

76 videos

Category People & Family

Let's take A Walk Around The World . Do You Ever Ask Yourself Why Is The World Is The Way That
It Is And Why Year After Year Things Are Getting Worst Have You Ever Ask Why All The Lies And Evil
What Is Happening To OUR Children Our Friends And Family Why So Many Evils And Not Enough Love
Let's Take A Walk Together And See Why And The Truth Will Set You Free Beware It Won't Be Pretty
But If YOU Want To Learn The Truth. Our Walk Will Get Bumpy God Will Expain It All So Let's Get Going
We Have A Long Ways To GO