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Bloodlines are so important

Bloodlines are so important

In his own words

The martial path is the only path needed to be followed

In his own words

The martial way is the only one needed to be followed

They are guilty of the crime of stealing and using a Name of some one they do not know

They are guilty of stealing and using a name of some one they do not know.

The true faith

The true faith

Part 2

Part 2

Masons and Shelanite Jews are bringing about the New World Order of Yahovah

The true history of the Shelanites

wake up to whats going on

Open your eyes to the truth

This one statement pisses them off

I prove this

What Price do you need to sell yourself to this world


The Bible is not perfect, Yahovah is the devil

Spread this message

A form of darkness that most call Satanism but it is very different

It may surprise you

Better reread your Bible


Created 6 years, 1 month ago.

295 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Dark Sufi order dedicated to bring the truth of the absolute.