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I'm still having trouble breathing, but I'm hoping it'll slowly get better. I still try, every day.

Whilst my breathing wasn't good at all today, I still managed to get a lot done.

I pushed a little today and got some good results.

Today was much better, as I pushed to get a little of everything done, plus I went up to a friends and we all played a card game.

I'm still not quite there today, but hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Today I realised my body still needed rest.

Whilst I still wasn't perfect, I got a bit of everything done.

I felt under the weather today, possibly due to both my teeth and the fact that my nose wouldn't stop running.

Today was a pretty solid day all around, though a last minute evening out caused a lack of a full language lesson.

With the arrival of my tools today, I performed some basic setup efforts on my basses with reasonable results.

Today I had a few house calls and, between that and sleeping late, didn't get quite as much done as yesterday.

Today was a reasonable return to a large portion of my schedule.

I'm still suffering with a toothache, but making sure to get walking and bass playing in.

Despite a bit of tooth pain, I'm starting to get back to my rhythm.

My body finally realised it had been put through the ringer and forced me to rest.

Today I reacquainted myself with my home town and caught up with old friends, plus started to reassert my usual routine.

Today I reached my destination and am home once more.

Today is the day of the flight. I'll hopefully see you all on the other end.

There is very little else to do, save sending off a few boxes tomorrow morning. Today was quite busy, though.

It's finally starting to hit that this move is properly happening in a matter of days.

Finally I'm feeling much better, not perfect, but better.

I was feeling pretty crappy again through the morning, but felt well enough in the evening.

Since I was feeling a little better today, I decided to hit the bass and ended up with two hours, all told.

I feel like I'm slowly getting back to healthy, though my cough is pretty nasty.

Today was another day spent in bed.


Created 2 years, 5 months ago.

897 videos

Category Vlogging

I've decided to quit video games for a year. This is my story.

The Story So Far:
I succeeded with my year of quitting video games, now I'm trying to improve upon my pet care for this year.

Backups on Odysee here: