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GPA is low. Maybe they took on too many jobs. Get them out of education. Don't let them control the Social Security Fund

9 charts to look at, each with health information, vitamin D3 is the focus of this video. Do you have 16 minutes to watch?

There seems to be a massive coverup about Planet X approaching. They came up with this global warming deception and it works on stupid people, but not those who have some science. There are many participants in the deception, even some bribed scientists. Listen carefully to what they try to ram down our throats and watch what they do to fool you. White smoke is one. CO2 is colorless and odorless. You can't see CO2 and you can't smell it, but you can sniff out the propaganda and the deceptions.

Riveting discussion. Two very bright leaders discussing bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. I'd rather watch these two than all of those running for puppet President. These are the real leaders of the world. Why was 2024 a pivotal year? Because both political parties in the US embraced bitcoin, finally and both see that it is the future. Two groups, one wants to slow it down so it doesn't wreck the current system and the other wants to repeal 121 and allow banks and Wall Street to custody crypto. You might not think you want to hear 2.5 hours of discussion, but it passed very quickly for me, wearing headphones and getting work done outside, before sunrise. You can download the interview and put it on your phone, perhaps so you can hear it as you drive or do other things. There is no other pair of participants that would be as enlightening as these two. The crypto space has a lot of fakes and you waste a lot of time hearing a charlatan or a carpetbagger coming into the space to clean up by exploiting the rise and popularity of bitcoin. Ethereum did not fare well in this interview. It is centralized and risky, I gathered. Peter McCormack understands business, is very successful and has extraordinary leadership instincts, so he asks good questions and his ideas are endless. So are Michael Saylor's answers and observations, not only on the bitcoin world, but the history of our civilization. This video dates to the end of May, 2024

Link: This interview

More interviews, "What Bitcoin Did"

Stay with those who want you dead and you will be dead soon. Make your move for state secession too late and you're still dead! They have a depopulation agenda. They intend to depopulate you! To show how serious they are, they killed 20 million and not one person died of any virus that was never isolated or was proven to cause illness. We know with certainty that the vaccine that wasn't actually a vaccine did kill 20 million people. We have their names, but we have no one who was saved by injections of toxic materials. Some died immediately.

This will help you on some exponential growth problems, time to double, for example, using the factors of 70 which is a constant when rate is multiplied by term to double.

If your home price doubles, does the money buy more real estate? If you buy another home, doesn't it cost a lot more? Those who feel good about rising home prices aren't thinking about the property taxes, which also double. The bankers have fooled everyone! Are you fooled?

A diagram to show how our central bank bribes members of Congress and convinces them to sell out the country for their own personal gains.

Using the May 30, 2024 price of bitcoin and the price from April 2011, I came up with 135.67% compounded annual growth rate. A fast food meal costs you $1 billion over 27 years. Are you smart with money or a fool, who pays $13/lb at Wendy's for a Baconator? If I'm harsh on the suckers and the fools, it's because I'm trying to change your wasteful habits and make you rich by choosing the bitcoin path instead. If you waste money and you want praise, you won't find it here. Why don't you unsubscribe and find a channel that praises stupidity and then you can feel good in your false reality. The truth hurts, but if it works, I'm pleased to make you a billionaire! This channel isn't for everyone! If you're making the wrong choices, like fast food and fake bacon, someone should tell you. It's not a popular role for me, but I'll do it for the benefit of YOU!

Are you loveable, but gullible? This video can make you wiser, turn you into an adviser. Are the oceans heating up? Yes! Is CO2 dissolved in the ocean along with other gases? Yes! Can warm ocean water hold as much CO2 as cold ocean water? No! Why do air bubbles form in boiling water? Basic science could answer all these easy questions, but the average person has no knowledge of science. They don't learn it in school. Whose fault is that? Are kids getting science in their preparation for life or doe It seem that government doesn't want critical thinkers? It's not that easy to fool someone who has an understanding of science, keep them dumbed down!

Stop the video and see if you can understand the charts shown in this video. When you can draw each graph from memory and can explain all the behavior that is part of climate change, then you're ready for the exam. You can explain it to others.

They give us 'Either, Or' and we give back, 'Neither, Nor' just for starters. Reform is on the minds of Americans. Every ballot should contain 'NONE OF THE ABOVE' and a referendum on state secession to rid us of the central bank and the IRS Mafia. Sounds like a radical idea today, but wait until the crash. Wait until 66 million Americans are told there won't be any more Social Security checks, because the central bankers took all the cash and stuck us with US Treasury Bills, now in default and they are printing money to pay the interest, which is inflationary! Ask Argentina with their 120% inflation rate! These bankers can't print money out of thin air, but that's exactly what they are doing and we pay the price, inflation! If this is what central banks do, then we don't need a central bank. Let's fire the entire federal government. State Secession is on the minds of Americans! We're better off, without them!

Mixing up the timelines by making small, inadvertent changes is risky, but there are still risks in correcting unexpected mistakes. One might not marry the same person. A middle name could be different. Have you ever said, 'I wish I never met that person!'?

When we discover a new thing or invent something, wasn't it always there? It couldn't be until there was electricity. Bitcoin needed the internet and then it was time for cryptocurrency. Central bankers had a long time to take everything from the USA and look at the National Debt. It's time to pull the curtain on central banks. We have now, infinite energy, which means infinite wealth and prosperity for all, but we have to get moving on the opportunity or we will be enslaved by a CBDC. Those in control intend to murder us and control the rest. I have in mind that each become his or her best! Nobody represents you so you have to represent yourself. If you have no voice, then speak out! If you allow others to lead the way, they pile on another trillion dollars and we still can't pay the interest on the debt. Get wise and realize that what you take for reality is just a disguise. You live in a wealth transfer system. You are not cattle. You are not their property! You're not chattel. Your earnings belong to you. Nobody should take them out of your check. Nobody should print money and rob you, through inflation. That's not the purpose of a nation. It's time for the high schoolers to have their graduation. Things could be quite different. Start with a declaration! Follow the Constitution or declare it dead, we are tired of Congress and fed up with The Fed.

Amazing 77 second video for you to watch. The precision is beyond belief. Enter the body with a tiny incision, equipped with camera and scalpel and do what has to be done.


Most people don't know the truth about much of anything and they aren't smart enough to know when someone is trying to kill them! how does one survive when the government that is supposed to protect them is trying to 'depopulate' them?

More detail about an event many refer to, but few go back to study. I think the colonists rushed off to war and that cost them lives and money. Fear and ego were prominent and that comes out in the reading. Too quick to go to war on both sides

The history of coffee drinking is tied to rebellion by the American colonies. You can ask friends if they know what you will learn in this 4 minute video about coffee as the favorite American drink. From where did George Washington import coffee? How did Al Capone make beer?

Do you have your own list? Do you strive to be all that you can be? Here are over 100 good traits. How many do you possess? How many would you like to have? Do you constantly work toward self improvement? What are the virtues that make a good leader? Are you striving to be the kind of person you admire? Is it the duty of everyone to be the best they can be? How would you judge those in control of our world? Can you find any virtue in them?

What is government's role? I say to work on removing all taxation and producing value to kill inflation and provide the people with a chance to get rich. Short video to show homes we could have in fun places with spectacular beauty. Expose yourself to a new way of thinking. Stop voting for Democrats and Republicans. They have ruined our nation! It's time to do things, differently! We can live in remote places and enjoy the serenity and beauty of the outdoors. Dare to think without limits.

One Civilization, Very Much Like Ours, On Another Planet; Life On Erra, Many Topics Discussed

Live cams around the world search:

Before we venture off into space where it's frightfully cold and we have no protection from radiation, we will likely be going underground to live. It's always warm there, 50 to 60 degrees F at 20' to 30' down.

A significant proportion of hospitalized patients suffer from vitamin D deficiency. The studies cited indicate:
In a UK study of 104 adult psychiatric inpatients, 49% were vitamin D deficient (serum 25(OH)D <30 nmol/L), and a further 42.3% were vitamin D insufficient (<50 nmol/L). Only 8.7% were vitamin D sufficient on admission.
In the United States, about 50% to 60% of nursing home residents and hospitalized patients have vitamin D deficiency.
A 1998 study reported a 57% prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among 290 patients admitted to a hospital in Massachusetts.
Over 80% of 200 COVID-19 patients in a hospital in Spain had vitamin D deficiency.
So the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among hospitalized patients ranges from around 50% to over 80% across different studies and patient populations. Vitamin D deficiency appears to be highly prevalent in the hospital setting.

How one handles oneself after failed attempts is the difference between a winner and a loser. You haven't really lost, until you quit trying.

For years I have wanted to write time travel stories to tell what actually happened in history, because victors lie about the events and make themselves look like heroes, not ruthless murderers and greedy plunderers of wealth. When I started this visit to Woodrow Wilson to change his plans about the Federal Reserve, I thought he was against the Federal Reserve Act and was railroaded by the central bankers, but actually he was for the creation of a central bank and worked with Democrats, to put it through, as a progressive reform. If you have the wrong idea also, it's time to take a trip with me on this visit to the past.

One I made up with inspiration from Samuel Adams and the last one is about bitcoin

You can stay with the failed Social Security System and pay $900 per month for 45 years and be told that we don't have any check for you, because Social Security went broke 20 year ago, Sorry about that!... or you can look out for yourself and put just $10 into bitcoin with hopes that it does what it has done for 13 years, straight, more than double, every year. The old days of investments paying 2% annually or wait 13 years for gold to rise to $50,000 per troy ounce are past. Now we have sound money, bitcoin. Even 100% annually is possible. Demand for bitcoin is rising and the supply won't be responding, because it is fixed. People are also losing bitcoins, faster than they are being mined, so the supply is shrinking. How will increasing demand and shrinking supply affect bitcoin's price and purchasing power? I don't know. Maybe the price will shoot up for 50 years. You have a lot to lose with Social Security. You can lose your $10 also with bitcoin. Are you a gambler?


Created 3 years, 11 months ago.

2361 videos

Category Education

This channel is a One-Stop for much information, related to the world takeover by a small group of sociopaths who do not have good intentions or your interests at heart. They care nothing about you. To them, power and control are all that matters and they use their power and control to make sure you can't survive. You will have NO JOB, NO FOOD, NO HOPE! They have cut your jocular vein! They put a plastic bag over your head and left you for dead! We rise up instead and radiate truth, until it is the dictatorship that is dead. Now is the time for leadership, among the people!

I have a First Amendment right to free speech. I had a channel at YT, had 45 million views and they started cutting my traffic so I quit in Jan of 2018 and 99,500 subscribers. I removed over 1,150 videos from YT

I am a conspiracy theorist. If you're still not a conspiracy theorist, what's wrong with you? There are thousands of them, everywhere you look! Why can't you see them? Is it the mind control? Maybe you are fearful of being called names, ridiculed, but I'm undaunted being called a 'conspiracy theorist'. Everywhere there is money, there is a conspiracy; Just follow the money and you'll find endless conspiracies. I want everyone to see what I see and that's why I make videos. We have a common enemy and it's the Deep State. Who is the real government, the permanent government, the unelected government, the one that profits from bloodshed of endless wars? Isn't it really the central bankers? The problem in the world is the totalitarian dictatorship they have set up in the USA, with a pervert as their puppet, pushing shots on us.

They spread hatred for others and turn us against each other, left, right, Democrat, Republican, conservative, liberal, etc. Instead, we should all be united against our common enemy, the Deep State. If you have it all figured out and you know who is to blame for the wars and the spread of hatred and you erroneously think it's one ethnic group and all members are bad, take that ignorance elsewhere, please. There are good people in all ethnic groups, all religions, so don't slander any entire group, please! The group that must be replaced, is our so-called 'representatives'. We don't need to elect representatives. Voting for them, is a wasted vote. Voting has accomplished what? The system is very bad and getting worse! Repeating a routine that doesn't work, is insanity. If you voted in the last election, you are probably on the wrong channel; Don't subscribe, because I don't want to contaminate this channel with people who think voting solves problems. Voting encourages the scum who strive for political offices. I favor direct democracy. Direct democracy! People power, not governmental power.
We need to represent ourselves and the pathway is secession and 'NONE OF THE ABOVE' on every ballot! The technology is here to do it, so why isn't it being implemented? This system has gone terribly wrong, needs change and who is going to do it? My channel is to understand more and make the appropriate changes for we need to quarrel less, cooperate more. I favor fewer wars, less spending by government, less corruption, less hatred for others, more peace, more technology for us and less for weaponry for governments. I favor bitcoin, not fiat. We know what's going on and we're not going to allow anyone to blind our view. Freedom, truth, secession, direct democracy, libertarian, Austrian economics, education and tell ten, every day.
The comments section is for people who come in peace, come with sound ideas to share. Those who have sound reasoning, clarity of thought, noble objectives and do not advocate violence or voting for the 'LESSER OF TWO EVILS' are welcome to contribute for the benefit of everyone. Comments which slander an entire ethnic group will be removed.

February 14, 2022 Stats
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