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The globalist plan in full effect. They are terrified of an awake and educated populous. After the spring of 2020 they saw that the people would do everything that they say and put forth "Operation Warp Speed."

Protest in bad weather on March 7 in Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

Bill and his husband Melinda mentioned here in mask shaming article -> https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/04/no_author/freedom-advocate-explains-how-to-say-no-if-covid-19-vaccination-becomes-mandatory/

12 experts questioning the Corona virus Panic -> https://off-guardian.org/2020/03/24/12-experts-questioning-the-coronavirus-panic/?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=d871499f51f6c7c27f93f279ae57f02b3bd8a9d8-1585674903-0-ATPhP4QIO2sj9oUQtkwsHpoMN57k3kfZGdAua1WgvBDWJkzl4YWJpSSWrGUi56BnQeBBSg1EOFZT6fMc1frhSJXEQJQ4F1fwaORDRcDdNcycICdRXJspHoh9v-sPZJoXwg9lmCKPvBYHD-QB9AU1DHZM4ph1gDC1yc0aBPW4FwsNqo6A9Y9XJenKlHcg586Qu17dVM6n5v1UU2gqCKpx2qy48QFzsEdrbcWauH6SwiaU1Ze_L_qZktMMlfnIG8m2wvVP2wWdqjvdKQ1loGUFUlJ9OsyAZ8S_2PxFK6EaCFSOOvxi479wWn7bfsirfXQk2RowbEBw7SSoks11Xhv_rXo63SHZxKu7_K8uzI2lS1WZ

10 more experts criticising the Corona virus Panic -> https://off-guardian.org/2020/03/28/10-more-experts-criticising-the-coronavirus-panic/?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=2d5b3054ee5668d29e5575f13af6f7ba44aea676-1585697518-0-AR4_NeaeeUNAuphoirybljABgMSO0ZMIi2nxYnTQz3Xj-HF8TLc364zDC3XTNSqaO2VqFGCwoDdzdEIBCqnXfGO9S-yW9S3Ztpe_MhrTo5x3MNAhdw7lrXJZyp0TWhDH6IrXZZi7k8B__8ADKXnHVBc_8mWxEcZ_jiebsSRMrn-7fo9pbNkcJwTZTSyleW0L5xsmjdHpQWZ5RdLN4_K_ffXDCcvCIyotC0LrQ8CMcHQWVOYlLXFNTK8VAoT7BYXV6122KKaOun9tUOz7qFqlKN4ugLUQhkXclExpYEuobE14aoQ1ofvrrLUSbTkb6RFgK_sUAiipWaliW5KS6OkXvtFVjVUt-nbhVJdnGNLAbKLP

Mask Shaming debate -> https://www.wifr.com/video/2020/06/30/mask-shaming/

Will the People Rise Up Against the Scamdemic? -> https://www.bitchute.com/video/UK8HeSIeRFgX/

Who will get the COVID-19 vaccine first in British Columbia? ->https://globalnews.ca/video/7512972/who-will-get-the-covid-19-vaccine-first-in-british-columbia

US Troops May Have Role in Mass COVID-19 Vaccination Effort -> https://www.military.com/daily-news/2020/08/29/us-troops-may-have-role-mass-covid-19-vaccination-effort.html

David Icke precisely predicted our current climate regarding the global governnance / fascist state roll out 25 - 30 years ago. Yet he is still called a quack by the followers of the despot narrative.

This guy is not messing around. Stop global governance.

Now Uber is getting tough on mask deniers. They said it they meant it!

Agenda 21 is very stealthily combing the Earth and taking away everything from us. Civil disobedience can win this. #communism #resistance #facediapers #coronavirus #coronavirushoax #corona #covid #covid19 #covidhoax #covid19hoax #covid1984 #nonewnormal #newnormal @sargon @bennywills @plaidarmy @owenbenjaminofficial @davidicke @spiros @lisahaven @dandickspft @timcast @PJW @jmack674 @jordanbpeterson @redicetv @LanaLokteff @Henrikpalmgren

Eating the worm out of a skull.

We are witnessing a play-by-play Communistic takeover. BLM. LGBTQ. name your identity.

Depressingly small amount of people who get what is going on. Yet, a BLM protest would have ten's of thousands of man hating, confused Millenials scapegoating. This is an animal farm.
Your decision on what is going on is your own, but every prediction of the free and the literate has came to fruition. Imagine the world in ten years. That is not an exaggeration in the least. We're fucked. But hey, at least the hypocrites of recorded history are still tearing down statues...Because that's the real problem. For communists.

Close to a million people in Berlin are fighting against this coup d'etas. We can do it in our countries too. If not, in a year, your door will lock from the outside.

Here is a propaganda attempt at selling the populous on the "great reset," which is New Speak for #agenda21 #agenda2030 made \by the #worldeconomicforum

Weekly update from the #worldeconomicforum regarding the #circulareconomy #thegreatreset

This presentation regarding The World Economic Forum's use of 3D printing is my 3rd "instalment" in what I am trying to relay to the public as we descend into world communism.

Again we are looking at The world Economic Forum to see what the future has in store for the human race in the short term. This includes NGO's, nations and trans-national corporations; like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, OPEC, WHO, Canada and Wal-Mart.

The truth about the scamdemic

Share with the world. They're taking all of your freedoms and plan on killing you with the vaccine.

If you want to stay home, stay home.
If you want to wear a mask, wear a mask.
If you want to avoid large crowds, avoid large crowds.

I am not required to descend into poverty for you.
I am not required to abstain from human contact for you.

I refuse to participate in "quarantine life" until there's an unsafe, untested vaccine released in eighteen months.
I refuse to receive said vaccine to make others feel more safe.
I won't set myself--or my children--on fire to keep you warm.
If you're convinced the vaccine is safe and effective, you can get it yourself.

Some of you are allowing fear and policies devoid of scientifically accurate data to destroy America and ruin your life.
I can't control your self-destructive behaviors, but we all have a say in America.

We need to tell legislators that we demand options.
We have a constitutional right to take risks. Life is full of bacteria and viruses--many of which spread before symptoms manifest and after they subside.
We have a right to receive OR refuse vaccines.

The data was inaccurate at best; purposely overblown to justify government overreach at worst.
Stop allowing the government to destroy:
The Food Supply
Small Businesses
Medical Autonomy
Access to Healthcare
Religious Gatherings
Privacy Rights

When the "new normal" is filled with starvation, depression, suicide, child abuse, domestic violence, imprisonment, governmental spying, and pure DESPERATION, the virus is going to look preferable to the world you helped facilitate.



Created 4 years ago.

19 videos

Category Science & Technology

We have long since been owned and operated. I am here to relay information about the global governance agenda being rolled out in 2020.