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Testing the new setup which includes OBS and Riverside.

Golden Age Advocacy Our videos tell a story about the quest for a new kind of company that can do good and be profitable. This is the 4th emerging economic sector, legally known as "for-benefit" corporations. Our strategy is to leave the debt economy and enter the resource economy, currently enabled by web3 crypto, resourcery, and permaculture. Join us on the quest for a new kind of blockchain-enabled decentralized autonomous organization, otherwise known as a "decentralized autonomous org". This is happening worldwide, enabling our social enterprise to utilize freedom tech for the good of mankind.

MInds: Our videos tell a story about the quest for a new kind of company that can do good and be profitable. This is the 4th emerging economic sector, legally known as "for-benefit" corporations. Our strategy is to leave the debt economy and enter the resource economy, currently enabled by web3 crypto, resourcery, and permaculture. Join us on the quest for a new kind of blockchain-enabled decentralized autonomous organization, otherwise known as a "decentralized autonomous org". This is happening worldwide, enabling our social enterprise to utilize freedom tech for the good of mankind.

MInds: Welcome to an eye-opening adventure through the vibrant ecosystem of Houston's Third Ward! In this captivating video, join me, Baba, a certified permaculture designer, as we embark on a journey right in our own backyard to uncover a wealth of medicinal plants and nutrient-rich foods.

As we wander through the neighborhood, we'll discover a treasure trove of nature's bounty, including henbit, cleavers, dandelion, spiny sow thistle, taro, and so much more. Each of these plants not only offers delicious flavors but also boasts powerful medicinal properties, providing a holistic approach to health and wellness.

But our exploration goes beyond mere sustenance. We delve into the ecological benefits of cultivating these plants, envisioning a landscape where lawns are transformed into abundant gardens, teeming with life and purpose. By embracing permaculture principles, we have the opportunity to create resilience in our communities, fostering self-sufficiency and preparedness for any emergency situation.

Join me as we reimagine our relationship with the land, tapping into the potential of urban foraging and sustainable living. Together, let's cultivate abundance, nourish our bodies, and nurture the earth for generations to come. Don't miss out on this empowering journey towards a greener, healthier future!

Worms and compost supplies: Our videos tell a story about the quest for a new kind of company that can do good and become profitable. Our strategy is to leave the debt economy and enter the alternative web3 crypto economy. This quest is for a new kind of blockchain-enabled decentralized autonomous organization, sometimes called a "dao". This is happening all over the world enabling our social enterprise to utilize freedom tech for the good of mankind. Our videos tell a story about the quest for a new kind of company that can do good and make money. Our strategy is to leave the debt economy and enter the alternative web3 crypto economy. This quest is for a new kind of blockchain enabled decentralized autonomous organization, other wise known as a "dao". This is happening all over the world enabling our social enterprise to utilize freedom tech for the good of mankind. This is a meeting discussing a land tokenomics strategy.

Join the crew:



AAVE Liquidity: For thousands of years, initiations have provided rites of passage to those wishing to become stronger, wiser, and spiritually developed. Ifa (which means wisdom of God) is a 5000+Baba paleo system of the Yoruba in Nigeria. Falokun came and consecrated the space with other Babas and Iya's and we did some initiations. This is a video of our IFA, Osain, and Sango Initiations. We will be doing more every year.

Earthship jams by Baba J and Starlita.

I just got certified as a Health Minister with this Church so that I can help clients with a regenerative health protocol. This is my first video on Bitchute, and just testing the platform really.


Created 4 years ago.

9 videos

Category Business & Finance

Hi there. I am a healer, diviner, and regenerative entrepreneur with much to share. I am just looking for a platform that will pay me for my content, not censor me, and allow me to benefit from my work and materials unlike f*ckbook and censortube.