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Created 2 years, 10 months ago.

2 videos

Category People & Family

THE EVOLUTION THEORY IS THE BIGGEST #HOAX in the #history of mankind. Proven lies are STILL in school textbooks. The fairytale religion teaches that life began in a rock 3 billion years ago. It's IMAGINED that 18 to 20 billion years ago there was a big bang where nothing exploded, and the whole universe came into being. Earth was a hot ball of rock. Then 4.6 billion years ago, earth cooled down and formed a rocky crust. Oceans formed as it rained on the rocks for millions of years. Swirling in the oceans was a bubbling broth of complex chemicals. The first self replicating system emerged in this prebiotic soup when the first life began in a rock on the ocean floor. That first life, in the form of a single cell bacteria, which sprang up from non-living material, evolved into every living thing. The existence of our Creator is proven by the impossibility of the evo theory.

There's zero scientific evidence for the darwinian evolution theory. When you diligently search for evidence, you'll find that the only science observed, studied, tested, and demonstrated is for variations within the kinds, known as micro evolution. Micro evolution is the only form of evolution that has ever been observed, and it explains biodiversity. God created the gene code to contain the different variations. No new information is ever added; it's lost in the new variety. Every living thing is a copy, off of a copy, off of a copy, which explains why everything is getting worse, not better, hence the second law of thermodynamics: everything tends towards disorder. There is no scientific evidence for the other five forms of evolution. This makes cosmic, chemical, stellar, organic, and macro evolution religious; FAITH IS REQUIRED to believe in any form of evolution beyond micro. Evolutionists, including all duped evolutionist university professors, can only ever give proof of micro, i.e., changes within the kinds, because that's all there is. The evolution theory is not science, on the contrary, it is a hindrance to science. Evolutionism is an illogical religion with ZERO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE to back it up. There are scientists who have rejected the darwinian evolution theory. Many scientists have signed the document, A Scientific Dissent From Darwinism. Here's the link to the list:

Science is knowledge gained by observation and experiment. Science is tested and proven true. The fairytale theory is unproved and unprovable; that's why it's called a theory, i.e., hypothesis, guess, leap in the dark, imagination. See more synonyms here:

Creation is the only logical conclusion for how the first lives came to be on this planet. A life system, like a person or animal, is complex because the system is composed of several well-matched interacting parts that contribute to the basic function, so the removal of any one of the parts causes the system to effectively stop functioning. It's illogical to assume that the first lives evolved in stages. ALL parts would have to have been PRESENT AT ONCE for there to be life, so they were in God's creations. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for His creations!

What about theistic evolution?
Theistic evolution has no part in any real Christianity.
Theistic evolution is its own false religion.
Catholic popes, priests, and nuns accept the evolution theory. Does that make it true? No.
If every person on this planet believed in the evolution theory would that make it true? No.

God's children believe what God's word says. Many scriptures say God created every thing in six days. If so-called Christians believe that God used evolution, they're probably reading a corrupted version of the Bible. They should be reading the true word of God in the King James Bible.
Here's the link to an interesting and informative 18 minute video: Why use the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible?

A heresy is any teaching that goes against the clear teaching in God's word.
The theory of evolution is a heresy.
The Bible says, 'man brought death into the world'.
Evolution says, 'death brought man into the world'.
There is only one truth, not two.

God created us; He can certainly get a message to us.
God assures us that the message is from Him, and not a fraud.
God's word includes history written in advance.
God says, "I alone know the end from the beginning."

The original biblical text is a highly skillful integrated design. Every word and every detail was placed there deliberately as part of an intricate plan. God's word is supernatural, outside our dimension of space and time. See 100% solid and undeniable proof that the Bible is the word of God in this Dr. Chuck Missler DVD Hidden Treasures of the Bible

God bless