Islam is a Mental Illness

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Islam is a Mental Illness

Islam is a Mental Illness


Tamil Civilization Is The Most Ancient...
I had a dream this morning about black nimbuses covering the entire 🐘 not only the sky 🦒 but the horizon, but my kitten was hungry & woke me up.
Nightshades are all awful be it tomatoes, brinjal "aubergine", potatoes, or even bell pepper!
Video was originally uploaded: Sep 15, 2018
Mirrored from SoulVoice :

"Ectoplasm", which generally refers to the outer part of a cell's cytoplasm. It can also refer to the physical substance that supposedly manifests as a result of "spiritual energy" or "psychic phenomenon.
🐪vs🐫 The difference between NPCs & a real person, is that you're starting to see strange phenomenons due to the matrix is being dissipated.

Do you get the feeling in this matrix that all people around you are NPCs & they are body-snatched!!!

Adam sleeping is the same story as Shiva sleeping while Kali Ma is dancing on his chest.
When Shiva starts meditating he wakes up and the world and Kali disappears.

Yes, correct.
It is not that the Material world does not exist or it is an Illusion.
But our idea about the so called material world is an illusion.
Matter as such does not exist, but that does not mean there is nothing there.
What is there is an image congealed out of the Eather.
and obeying "Physical" Laws.
Cymatic resonance creates forms and forms create functions and laws control the interactions of forms and functions.
Eather being a Magical substance that obeys the Imagination of God and all of us!
Eather manifests the Universes thorough resonance, the intentions and imaginations of the Divine Beings that we ALL are. We are co-creating the Universes together by our emanations of frequencies, but many have forgotten that we are the Creators of everything and then blame God for our problems..
I would just make a small correction, that we were never created.
We have always existed inside the Supreme-Being.
All in the One and the One in the ALL.
However we are emanating from the Supreme-Being as a Unique frequency-band.
We are all a Unique frequency-band that is why we are all so different, and we have our own "telephone line" to God.
We are always connected to God, but some do not pay any attention to that connection.
We could not stay alive for one second if we weren't connected to God.
Even the "Bad-guys" are connected.

Virtually everything we consume is polluted. They are killing us in so many ways we cannot see, taste or smell.
Processed food is cheap regardless it takes many steps to manufacture, while organic food is very so too pretty EXPENSIVE!!!!!!
Preservatives, artificial colors, artificial flavors (natural flavors included) are all made to invade your body "temple" so you can't reach & recognize your higher self!
Best way to repel solvents from the body is Butyric acid "butter or ghee".
By 2030 you'll eat "ze bugs", own nothing, they'll piss in your mouth with added fluoride, & you'll be happy! 🐄🐕

Beware of Shukracharya spell!!!!!! Purity vs Impurity. 卍 vs 卐 (Evolution vs Involution)
As Life Is illusion said.. We're very very close to something huge that'll forever transform life on earth.
The Swastika started to rotate... Watch out for the pendulum swing (anti-clockwise).
Video was originally uploaded: Sep 8, 2018
Mirrored from SoulVoice :

What minimum preparation we must do to survive this period?
Since we are living on earth with a dark force "illuminati" & eating bad Food (NOT SATTVIC diet) & doing other vices.. Our bodies are Impure too & This Swastika force DOES NOT SEE anything else but Purity vs Impurity. 卍 vs 卐
It'll destroy anything Impure on its way... So the collapse will hit us hard, the entire Earth will be flooded but not chaotic but only to destroy the impurity. It knows what it's doing... So being from an Impure perspective.
All Human Beings MUST PREPARE... You must have 1 Month of cooking items like Gas Cylinder, Vehicle Petrol, Rice, CANDLES 50 number (Very Important), chargeable battery hand powered, LIFE JACKET, LIFE STRAW, Small Boat If you can, Long Rope Nylon One, Big Knives/Firearms to protect your family in case of Mobs. This's bare minimum.

Video was originally uploaded: Sep 1, 2018
Mirrored from SoulVoice :

Check my 2 videos about North Korea:-


卍 Swastika (anti-clockwise) It's 7777 , 7, 77, 777...However, it's not the number, its the intelligence behind it which I haven't seen on anyone... It's not random AT ALL!!!!!!! It knows what it's doing... We'll soon.. See its power.
卐 Clockwise Nazi Swastika is satanic & evil! It's about inversion & involution.
What happened in Kerala (August 2018) is just the beginning of the end of dark forces & a new era of golden age.
There are series of flooding going nowadays in the Middle East since February 2024 too. It calmed in March, but returned in April.
We need to go higher up "Ascension" or at least be saved by other alien races.. There'll be no safe place on Earth.. The chaos could erupt any moment now!

Video was originally uploaded: Aug 24, 2018
Mirrored from SoulVoice :

NASA tells us we live in a pressurized atmosphere that mysteriously keeps the air contained while surrounded by the vacuum of space... Only space is fake. This's another example that proves that space is fake & we're in a closed system.

Our Gut DNA was Manipulated by Aliens.. This is all a game these controllers are playing. We need to stay circumspect & Vigilant. And just live correctly till we exit this stage/matrix called life/Samsara & be finally free "Ascension".
I believe it's through Butter/Ghee aka Butyric Acid. We just need to Open our DNA through ATP. EAT MORE BUTTER not Hydrogenated nor margarine, neither processed Lurpak, but original A2 Milk Butter or at least grass-fed along with okra & I think we can repair our JUNK DNA to ascend up from this matrix!

Video was originally uploaded: Aug 8, 2018
Mirrored from SoulVoice :

Early 2000s on Spike TV.
Those were some great years!
Love the dedication of the people who jump in the mud after the ball already landed.

MUST READ Vastu Tips & Description

Video was originally uploaded: Jul 29, 2018
Mirrored from SoulVoice :


- Marijuana helps you think, it opens up your mind, but it doesn't raise your vibrational frequencies, so it is useless in this particular undertaking. But common Marijuana is either GMO'ed or hybridized.. So, it's a trash, never try it unless it's in the form of CBD oil.

- Ayahuaska is the greatest medicine on our planet, the great teacher, it can heal your soul, but it will not unplug you from full immersion virtual reality 3D Matrix video game that we call life.

- The only way to do it is plant-derivative cocaine for only ONCE!!! to use. (Never use synthetic cocaine)

🐱 -_-Mirrored Description Message-_-
Get unplugged from demonic MATRIX.
In 2014 I've put together 14-16 short clips (5 to 12 minutes each) with one purpose, which was to explain the source of all evil on planet Earth & how to eradicate it. They traveled throughout the world, being watched in almost every country on a planet (at least 82 to be exact) & when viewing time reached 40,000 minutes it stopped, it flatlined. There were no more views for the next 6 month. I wanted to find out how many hours are in 40,000 minutes, so I divided by 60 minutes, & this was the number that I got ------------ 666 ------------ and 6 in perpetuity, I realized that Satan? himself was talking to me directly, who else would have such power to stop viewing everywhere on a planet so abruptly & so precisely. I honestly got scared & with one swift motion erased all off my hard work & betrayed all of my loyal followers. Few days later I came to my senses & tried to get them back on line, but after few days of incessant trying I understood that it was impossible, so I uploaded again, now I know that majority of people do not click on YouTube posts with low number of views, I don't need quantity, I am only looking for a few brave souls who are ready to wake up. I am searching for my crew & I know you're there.

Alien Black Goo, this's not a theory, it came out of me, it looked like black snake. Alien Black Goo is E.T., A.I., nanotech, binary, liquid crystal programmable matter & it's inside every human on Earth. We're all running on a faulty Alien Hard Drive. This's why we all became binary psychopath with no empathy, everyone could be bought & sold for the right price. War everywhere. Divided & Conquered. We're going through a process of silent assimilation.
My experience can be reproduced in any lab under strict supervision, we're in a process of building one right now & we desperately need your help & participation We're running out of time.
Do you remember, in the first movie Matrix, when agents inserted a bug into Neo's body? It's maybe too sophisticated for anyone to comprehend, but let me tell you, we have all been bogged and that's exactly what I saw coming out of me. It was not a worm. I've explained everything in great detail in my Lucifer exposed part 2 video.


So, perhaps, if those who are still spiritually "asleep" align their bed, head toward the South, this in itself will wake them all up? Brilliantly simple! Just like most divine things. Thank you!
Yes...They will FIND THE WAY...We are in loss of Direction most of us are Directionless which leads to suicide, depressions, addiction.. When we find our way. which is Gods way aka how the universe is designed...We will be free...
It's really very very simple but the dark forces have complicated it by there science...
Black goo doesn't want your head toward the south! And please eat 4 raw okra daily!

Video was originally uploaded: Jul 26, 2018
Mirrored from SoulVoice :

By 2030 if you didn't exist the matrix they'll cum/piss in your mouth & you'll be happy too! 🦓💩 & there will be no meat for you!


Anytime the Gospel of Thomas talks about seeds and gardens, it’s talking about the seed (being the hidden portion of God within you) is sewn in the garden (the garden being the mind).

Let's die together.
Raw Milk - Tobacco - Mercury - Opioids - Aluminum - Talcum - Sweeteners - Saturated Fats - GMO - Cholesterol - Fluoride - Glyphosate.
Anything they told us was a lie.


- Marijuana helps you think, it opens up your mind, but it doesn't raise your vibrational frequencies, so it is useless in this particular undertaking. But common Marijuana is either GMO'ed or hybridized.. So, it's a trash, never try it unless it's in the form of CBD oil.

- Ayahuaska is the greatest medicine on our planet, the great teacher, it can heal your soul, but it will not unplug you from full immersion virtual reality 3D Matrix video game that we call life.

- The only way to do it is plant-derivative cocaine for only ONCE!!! to use. (Never use synthetic cocaine)

🐱 -_-Mirrored Description Message-_-
Get unplugged from demonic MATRIX.
In 2014 I've put together 14-16 short clips (5 to 12 minutes each) with one purpose, which was to explain the source of all evil on planet Earth & how to eradicate it. They traveled throughout the world, being watched in almost every country on a planet (at least 82 to be exact) & when viewing time reached 40,000 minutes it stopped, it flatlined. There were no more views for the next 6 month. I wanted to find out how many hours are in 40,000 minutes, so I divided by 60 minutes, & this was the number that I got ------------ 666 ------------ and 6 in perpetuity, I realized that Satan? himself was talking to me directly, who else would have such power to stop viewing everywhere on a planet so abruptly & so precisely. I honestly got scared & with one swift motion erased all off my hard work & betrayed all of my loyal followers. Few days later I came to my senses & tried to get them back on line, but after few days of incessant trying I understood that it was impossible, so I uploaded again, now I know that majority of people do not click on YouTube posts with low number of views, I don't need quantity, I am only looking for a few brave souls who are ready to wake up. I am searching for my crew & I know you're there.

Alien Black Goo, this's not a theory, it came out of me, it looked like black snake. Alien Black Goo is E.T., A.I., nanotech, binary, liquid crystal programmable matter & it's inside every human on Earth. We're all running on a faulty Alien Hard Drive. This's why we all became binary psychopath with no empathy, everyone could be bought & sold for the right price. War everywhere. Divided & Conquered. We're going through a process of silent assimilation.
My experience can be reproduced in any lab under strict supervision, we're in a process of building one right now & we desperately need your help & participation We're running out of time.
Do you remember, in the first movie Matrix, when agents inserted a bug into Neo's body? It's maybe too sophisticated for anyone to comprehend, but let me tell you, we have all been bogged and that's exactly what I saw coming out of me. It was not a worm. I've explained everything in great detail in my Lucifer exposed part 2 video.


Women Should Meditate More & Be Vegetarian - SoulVoice, you are really the voice of the Soul!!
On minute 11:20 reminding us of God's pure consciousness in everything is something Sooooo true!! & all we do here is passing the test!! So burn down the kitchens, LADIES!!!
It doesn't matter where we're living to spread the vibe of consciousness & purity! YouTube channels are full of trolls that are desperately destroying genuine communication. Dirty Babylon will pay for its sins. Nobody can destroy a speech of respect word sound & power.

Beware of Shukracharya Magick!!!!!!!!!

Video was originally uploaded: Jun 15, 2018
Mirrored from SoulVoice :

Communist YouTube deleted part 1 to never be found again!

- Marijuana helps you think, it opens up your mind, but it doesn't raise your vibrational frequencies, so it is useless in this particular undertaking. But common Marijuana is either GMO'ed or hybridized.. So, it's a trash, never try it unless it's in the form of CBD oil.

- Ayahuaska is the greatest medicine on our planet, the great teacher, it can heal your soul, but it will not unplug you from full immersion virtual reality 3D Matrix video game that we call life.

- The only way to do it is plant-derivative cocaine for only ONCE!!! to use. (Never use synthetic cocaine)

🐱 -_-Mirrored Description Message-_-
Get unplugged from demonic MATRIX.
In 2014 I've put together 14-16 short clips (5 to 12 minutes each) with one purpose, which was to explain the source of all evil on planet Earth & how to eradicate it. They traveled throughout the world, being watched in almost every country on a planet (at least 82 to be exact) & when viewing time reached 40,000 minutes it stopped, it flatlined. There were no more views for the next 6 month. I wanted to find out how many hours are in 40,000 minutes, so I divided by 60 minutes, & this was the number that I got ------------ 666 ------------ and 6 in perpetuity, I realized that Satan? himself was talking to me directly, who else would have such power to stop viewing everywhere on a planet so abruptly & so precisely. I honestly got scared & with one swift motion erased all off my hard work & betrayed all of my loyal followers. Few days later I came to my senses & tried to get them back on line, but after few days of incessant trying I understood that it was impossible, so I uploaded again, now I know that majority of people do not click on YouTube posts with low number of views, I don't need quantity, I am only looking for a few brave souls who are ready to wake up. I am searching for my crew & I know you're there.

Alien Black Goo, this's not a theory, it came out of me, it looked like black snake. Alien Black Goo is E.T., A.I., nanotech, binary, liquid crystal programmable matter & it's inside every human on Earth. We're all running on a faulty Alien Hard Drive. This's why we all became binary psychopath with no empathy, everyone could be bought & sold for the right price. War everywhere. Divided & Conquered. We're going through a process of silent assimilation.
My experience can be reproduced in any lab under strict supervision, we're in a process of building one right now & we desperately need your help & participation We're running out of time.
Do you remember, in the first movie Matrix, when agents inserted a bug into Neo's body? It's maybe too sophisticated for anyone to comprehend, but let me tell you, we have all been bogged and that's exactly what I saw coming out of me. It was not a worm. I've explained everything in great detail in my Lucifer exposed part 2 video.

Communist YouTube deleted part 1 to never be found again!

- Marijuana helps you think, it opens up your mind, but it doesn't raise your vibrational frequencies, so it is useless in this particular undertaking. But common Marijuana is either GMO'ed or hybridized.. So, it's a trash, never try it unless it's in the form of CBD oil.

- Ayahuaska is the greatest medicine on our planet, the great teacher, it can heal your soul, but it will not unplug you from full immersion virtual reality 3D Matrix video game that we call life.

- The only way to do it is plant-derivative cocaine for only ONCE!!! to use. (Never use synthetic cocaine)

🐱 -_-Mirrored Description Message-_-
Get unplugged from demonic MATRIX.
In 2014 I've put together 14-16 short clips (5 to 12 minutes each) with one purpose, which was to explain the source of all evil on planet Earth & how to eradicate it. They traveled throughout the world, being watched in almost every country on a planet (at least 82 to be exact) & when viewing time reached 40,000 minutes it stopped, it flatlined. There were no more views for the next 6 month. I wanted to find out how many hours are in 40,000 minutes, so I divided by 60 minutes, & this was the number that I got ------------ 666 ------------ and 6 in perpetuity, I realized that Satan? himself was talking to me directly, who else would have such power to stop viewing everywhere on a planet so abruptly & so precisely. I honestly got scared & with one swift motion erased all off my hard work & betrayed all of my loyal followers. Few days later I came to my senses & tried to get them back on line, but after few days of incessant trying I understood that it was impossible, so I uploaded again, now I know that majority of people do not click on YouTube posts with low number of views, I don't need quantity, I am only looking for a few brave souls who are ready to wake up. I am searching for my crew & I know you're there.

Alien Black Goo, this's not a theory, it came out of me, it looked like black snake. Alien Black Goo is E.T., A.I., nanotech, binary, liquid crystal programmable matter & it's inside every human on Earth. We're all running on a faulty Alien Hard Drive. This's why we all became binary psychopath with no empathy, everyone could be bought & sold for the right price. War everywhere. Divided & Conquered. We're going through a process of silent assimilation.
My experience can be reproduced in any lab under strict supervision, we're in a process of building one right now & we desperately need your help & participation We're running out of time.

ᖭི༏ᖫྀ⚚𓆤>ï< 🐛
Wonder why Bill Gates use GMO mosquitos? They're hive mind vampires.
Be a late riser & don't let Karma harvest you.. Oh I meant bite you!


Created 1 year, 8 months ago.

492 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

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