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Explaining how men allow religion and philosophy to be perverted into something that strips them of their manhood.

I explain the vital significance and ramifications of death upon humanity, our world, and the universe, which you probably haven't thought about.

I explain the problem of "Karens": People, usually women, who are obnoxious complainers and potential predators on society.

While most look favorably upon the Jewish community, others have a highly unfavorable view. I explain their reasoning why.

The speed of light in a vacuum is said to be a universal physical constant and the fastest speed possible. This has important implications and ramifications, which I explain.

I recount YouTuber, marital arts expert, and Mormon Ramsey Dewey's story of when he claimed to have met Adolf Hitler during a mission trip to Argentina in 1997.

Necessary continuation of my video about being in hospital. I now recount my recovery at home.

I had gone to hospital a coups years ago for kidney stone removal surgery, and there were unnerving complications. Hear about my plight.

Are women church leaders in line with original Christianity? And what of some who say that women should not even speak in church? I have answers.

A quiz of my own design to test your knowledge of important facts surrounding World War 2.

Expose' on the funeral industry.

I lay out the possibilities of who Jesus of Nazareth, called the Christ by Christians, could actually have been.

I discuss free will and the implications of its existence or nonexistence.

Are the stories of Jesus of Nazareth, sometimes called the Christ, just fairy tales, or are they true stories of the most amazing person in history? I explain.

I discuss the idea that our universe is alive. This idea is having a resurgence due to a crisis in science.

The original Christians did not have an expensive church building. I explain the consequence of having such buildings.

I discuss memes The Flying Spaghetti Monster and Invisible Pink Unicorn, both of which originated from "Russell's Teapot", a philosophical argument put forth by the late Atheist author Bertrand Russell. And by the way, The Church of the SubGenius, headed by the fictitious J. R. "Bob" Dobbs, predates both the Spaghetti Monster and Unicorn.

I explain videos games, especially old school arcade games such as Pacman, Ms. Pacman, Donkey Kong, Space Invaders, Galaga, Mario Brothers, Asteroids, and Q-Bert.

Famous Atheist Christopher Hitchens had a problem with the traditional Ten Commandments. I do too. So, hear our proposals.

I explain why I permanently retired from regular employment by age 40.

Most people claim to know what love really is or is not, when they actually don't. So, I explain it, and chiefly from a Christian perspective.

I explain the philosophy of equality at all costs, which dominates 21st century thinking.

By process of elimination until only one man is standing, I count down to the best President in United States history. I apply logic and facts.

I cut through the lies about Black people's lives in the United States and get to the truth.

Explaining the importance of work, who should be employed, who should be exempt from regular employment, and what various people should do.


Created 6 years, 8 months ago.

399 videos

Category People & Family

"K C Sunbeam" tackles animals, economics, gender, philosophy, politics, race, religion, science, sexuality, social issues, and technology. These perspectives defy modern society.