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Our history has been fabricated! The official narrative is that in the mid-1800s – early 1900s, men riding horse & buggy (or prisoners) built thousands of
GIANT stone and marble structures (what’s left of them anyway). The official timeline of our recent past does not match our reality. Our Rockefeller “his-story” books are pure fabrication! They teach us the “Great Chicago Fire” in school but never
tell us every major city was burned to the ground! Also, the civilizations before us had amazing technology and were beyond advanced. There has been a massive cover-up!

This is a fantastic conversation with our friend Dave, who goes by Sovereign Soul Unchained Mind. Dave has been fully invested in the truth movement for many many years, and he has a very scientific approach to some of the more obvious but seemingly difficult questions. This is a fun one.

Dave / Sovereign Soul Unchained Mind can be found here:

This is our first interview with our new friends, Brandon and Connie. I titled this Exposing the False Light because that is what the goal of their new YouTube channel is. This interview covers several aspects of what they are pointing out, and as usual, Rick and I go all over the place with them. Cheers!

Rick & I had the pleasure of interviewing Brian S. Staveley, someone I would consider a strong force in the truth community. He has been podcasting and speaking of important topics like 9-11 and the lies we have been told about the realm in which we live for at least ten years now. Today, we are talking about Fluid Reality / Mandela Effect. This is such a cool topic and I'm hoping to raise some more awareness about how important this topic is. Brian has been studying and presenting this phenomenon to folks for 10 years, and he knows his shit! This is a great interview!

You can find Brian's work in these places:

In this episode, I interview Kathy Renbarger about how her land was burned out by an intense fire started by a cannabis grow operation run by the communist Chinese Party. She has since been investigating and has realized how much land the communist Chinese have purchased in that area, and she is fighting back. She is suing everybody involved in the illegal burning of the trash that destroyed her property, and this is her story.

You can help her in this fight by donating to the legal expense fund so she can have a lawyer help her do this for real. This is much bigger than something she can do pro se.

Her website :

You can donate to her using PayPal with this email : [email protected]

When Netanyahu demanded that the protests against Israel be stopped, the US government complied because our members of Congress have all been bought and paid for with tax dollars given to the American Israeli Political Action Committee, known as AIPAC. AIPAC openly brags about this on their official website, because they don’t have to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, which requires agents of foreign principals to register and provide transparency.

Beginning in 1962 they were known as the American Zionist Council, and President John F. Kennedy was ordering them to register as a foreign agent. Along with members of the US government, the Zionists fought against this. In October of 1963, forms were prepared for them to register. But the next month, JFK was assassinated. And Israel has never been asked to register since.

Rick and I have our usual discussion but we are pulling on all the bullshit lies going on out there. I have skipped ahead in the order of videos as I haven't had time lately to keep up with the posting of our shows. I will try to catch up with all of our other shows here soon. Enjoy! Cheers!

This is a brilliant debate. Harrison Smith, the host of the American Journal on the Infowars network, debates Austin Witsit on cosmology and the globe model versus a flat realm model. This is truly a very good debate. The globe model is crushed thoroughly once again, but Harrison does a great job asking intelligent questions that allow Austin to fully explain why the globe model is 100% provably false.

Rick & I discuss some basic common sense things and ideas that go overlooked quite often but ultimately are very important. This is a good one. Cheers!

This is an exciting episode where Rick and I joined forces with Zo'ii & Talib from the Revolution Radio network. We have a great discussion about many things, including esoteric concepts, and spiritual understandings. We take some of those bigger picture things and put them into everyday, life examples, and see how we relate to one another. This is a great episode. Cheers!

Rick & I discuss problems and solutions to our current system, which is clearly rigged. I'm getting ready to host a speaking event here in my hometown, we talk about that and some of the details surrounding it. It should be fun and enlightening.

As it is used in our food, Citric Acid is a byproduct of black mold fermenting GMO corn syrup. This is what our corporations & FDA give us. Cheers!

This is another fantastic interview with Dr. Richard Presser. We discuss the amazing benefits of his product, Magic Dichol™ and he goes through the very miraculous story of how this product came to be. We get into some spiritual discussion, as well as thoughts on other aspects of our conscious evolution. This is a great conversation. Cheers!

Find Dr. Richard Pressers Magic Dichol™ here:

See the DPE device here:

My good friend Cory Edmund Endrulat joins me this time. We had a great discussion about music and how that plays a major role in our health. We discuss political bull-shittery and religious clap trappery. We of course mention health as it pertains to food as well. Enjoy this. Cheers!

Find Cory at:

Rick and I chat about real-world stuff, music and secrets of the universe. This is one worth watching😉

I am uploading this one a little bit out of order. This is an essential interview with a very profound individual named Richard Presser. We discussed a few topics and a few items of the abstract but mostly focused on the products he has developed that will help combat the electromagnetic field pollution that is so present everywhere on our planet. He has two products, which we discussed, one is a mouth spray that is a sort of "miracle healer" - look it up here:

The other is an EMF protection and biological life enhancer called DPE (Defense of Planet Earth) - Look it up here:

We will be having Richard on again for sure. Cheers!

Rick and I are joined by another Revolution Radio host, Catherine Waters, in the second hour. Rick and I fly solo for most of the first hour and discuss the US National passport, the process of obtaining one, and the benefit of having that instead of having a US Citizen passport. Cheers!

Rick and I discuss many of our usual topics including music and government problems but I also have some exciting news in this episode about my US national passport. Rick's friend Terry sits in for a bit, and we have our usual enlightening discussion. Enjoy.

This is a great discussion with Raven White Dove. We discuss the 'Jew' thing and get into aspects I have not heard of before. She gives a well-educated and researched explanation of the 'Jew' and the 'Ju (anu)'. Different things altogether. It comes down to human and non-human. This is a must listen.

Raven is an artist, writer, blogger, and die-hard activist with a passion for etymology, and decoding while cracking this illusory world wide open for anyone who wishes to see.

She runs online groups like "Sacred Knowledge PLRC", "Streams of Sciousness", "Our Sacred Earth", "Surviving Grief & Loss (Empty Arms, Broken Hearts)", and "Off-Grid Living with Humor" both on Facebook and Telegram.


In this episode, Regina and I discuss real life, and what's happening in our world. We connect that to our studies of currency and finance in the second hour. This is a well-rounded discussion and we arrive at many helpful conclusions. We also get into the building or a little bit in further our discussion on freeing ourselves from the debt slavery we are all in. Thanks for watching. Enjoy!

In this episode Rick and I discuss all sorts of life-related topics and the magic that makes life real. We have our usual good time and come to our usual mind-freeing conclusions. Enjoy!

We decided to combine both studios and have a mega show. We invited Mario to broadcast his show with ours and join us in our usual enlightening and entertaining conversation. This was a good idea because this is a great show. We discuss aliens, sasquatch, time travel and so much more but one of the best parts is convincing Rick, who is a beginning drummer, to share some of his chops with us. Very exciting and a great conversation. Cheers!

Brother Nathanael Kapner of joins The Alex Jones Show to debate the root of all evil.

In Trauma Based Mind Control, trauma is used to hack into the mind and body’s defense systems in order to train a person’s behavior. This is accomplished in three steps:

In step one, the victim’s identity is destroyed. This is achieved by depriving the victim of their basic needs and inflicting pain upon them until they become exhausted, confused, and disoriented. In this state, they no longer trust themselves and become receptive to guidance from an outside ‘authority.’

Step two, through a strict system of rewards and punishments the victim is imprinted with a new identity. The new identity is trained to self-isolate by having it denounce everything associated with the previous identity.

And finally with step three, through the continued use of trauma, the rebuilding of the victim’s new self is crafted and maintained however the mind controller chooses.

Knowledge is power is freedom!

The transbaph agenda, which is perpetrated by the wealthiest rapists, thieves and terrorists on the planet, are Satanists and they are Luciferians. The EL-ites are from a select few bloodlines that are of one beast system sprawling out from two arms. The red arm and the blue arm which, when mixed together, forms the purple reign that is behind the new world order constructs.

The red arm (Republicans and more...) is the cannibalistic-adrenochrome guzzling Satanists and the blue arm (democrats and more...) is the dead corpse cult and all of our corpse-arations and co. The outward red right arm and the outward blue left arm melt together into the hidden purple reign that one would call the deep state or shadow government. The whole ruling class false light, NWO matrix system is the very real tyranny destroying us all and are the hideously disturbed minds behind the transbaph agenda.
By Raven White Dove


Created 2 years, 6 months ago.

294 videos

Category Vlogging