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Links To Check Out Raelian Chief Rabbi Leon Ariel Mellul and their meditations.


"Raelian Revelation: Jesus Was an Alien Hybrid, Claims UFO Cult Leader"
00:00 Alien Architects: UFO Cult Claims Elohim Created Humanity Without a God"
Rabbi Ariel introduces a radical notion that extraterrestrial beings known as Elohim crafted humanity, challenging traditional views of divine creation.

00:00 No God, Only Aliens: Startling Messages from the Elohim Unveiled"
The conversation starts with a provocative claim from the Raelian spokesperson that denies the existence of a deity, attributing creation to alien beings.

00:44 Controversial Cult Expose: Netflix Documentary Delves into Raelian Beliefs"
Early in the video, the impact of a Netflix documentary on public perception of the Raelian Movement is explored, highlighting its portrayal as a cult.

15:27 UFOs Over Religion: Raelian Spokesperson Declares Biblical Figures as Alien Emissaries"
Rabbi Ariel discusses how historical religious figures might actually have been emissaries from an advanced alien civilization, not divine messengers.

16:09 Aliens Among Us: Shocking Insights into How Elohim Influence Our Spiritual Beliefs"
Rabbi Ariel elaborates on the extensive influence the Elohim have had on human spirituality and religious practices throughout history.

24:48 Raelian Revelation: Jesus Was an Alien Hybrid, Claims UFO Cult Leader"
In a startling declaration, Rabbi Ariel explains the Raelian belief that Jesus was not divine but a product of alien genetic engineering.

26:26 Debunking Satan: Raelian Rabbi Recasts the Devil as Political Opposition"
Rabbi Ariel offers a unique interpretation of Satan, not a..

Jordan Maxwell on the mysteries of the Anunnaki and their connection to biblical narratives in "Jordan Maxwell On the Anunnaki: The Alien gods Of the Bible." Maxwell explores ancient texts and rabbinic insights to challenge conventional views on humanity's creation. This theory that advanced extraterrestrial beings, referred to as the Elohim in ancient scriptures, may have played a crucial role in shaping human history and our understanding of divine entities and the Anunnaki.

(00:00) Jordan Maxwell Reveals: The Hidden Truths of Biblical Creation!
Dive into Jordan Maxwell's deep analysis of what the Bible really says about human creation – it's a shocker!

(01:10) Jordan Maxwell Discusses a Famous Rabbi's Bombshell: The Bible Never Claimed God Created Man Alone!
Hear Jordan Maxwell unveil groundbreaking insights from a famous Rabbi, challenging traditional biblical interpretations!

(02:29) What Does "Let Us Make Man" Really Mean? Jordan Maxwell Explains!
Join Jordan Maxwell as he deciphers the mysterious 'us' in Genesis – the real creators of humanity revealed!

(03:08) Are We the Product of Alien Intervention? Jordan Maxwell Unpacks Biblical Clues!
Explore with Jordan Maxwell the possibility that ancient extraterrestrial beings are behind human creation, as hinted in the Bible!

(04:00) Jordan Maxwell on How Ancient Aliens Shaped Our World!
Delve into Jordan Maxwell's theories on how alien technologies from biblical times have propelled human advancement!

(05:29) Jordan Maxwell's Insight: Advanced Aliens or Biblical Gods - Who Really Made Us?
Jordan Maxwell debates whether the creators of mankind were advanced alien species or the gods spoken of in the Bible. Prepare to be amazed!

(06:09) Jordan Maxwell Explores: The Anunnaki and Their Impact on Sodom and Gomorrah!
Discover with Jordan Maxwell how the Anunnaki, described as handsome men, directly interacted with biblical figures and shaped early biblical events!

(07:25) Unearthe..

This episode offers community engagement, personal stories, and deep spiritual discussions. TruthSeekah and Arien also cover a range of topics including the significance of plants in the Bible, modern Christianity, and spiritual healing. The episode is interspersed with listener feedback and personal anecdotes, culminating in plans for future podcasts and also includes a NEW EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT!

[00:00] Intro to TruthSeekah Podcast: Engaging with Our Community
Introduction to the TruthSeekah Podcast, welcoming both new and regular listeners, and inviting interaction across social platforms.
[15:00] The Joy of Collaboration: Working with My Spouse
Discussion about the benefits and dynamics of working closely with a spouse, highlighting listener feedback and shared experiences.
[30:00] Embracing Changes and Community Support
Reflecting on the challenges of accepting changes within podcast formats and the importance of community encouragement and support.
[45:00] A Deep Dive into Spiritual Topics: Plants in the Bible
Exploring the significance of plants within biblical contexts and discussing topics like nature and spirituality with a personal touch.
[60:00] Personal Stories and Listener Interaction
Sharing personal stories and experiences, emphasizing the impact of listener interaction and feedback on the podcast’s content.
[75:00] Challenges and Triumphs of New Experiences
Discussing the personal challenges and triumphs encountered when trying new experiences, both within and outside of podcasting.
[90:00] Influence and Impact: Changing Lives Through Podcasting
Delving into how podcasting can influence and change lives, sharing stories of listeners who have been touched by their content.
[105:00] Exploring Faith and Modern Christianity
A discussion about modern Christianity, the role of faith in contemporary issues, and personal beliefs.
[120:00] The Power of Agreement and Finding Common Ground
Highlighting the importance of finding common ground in discussions, e..

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How to Incorporate Sage and Incense into Your Christian Walk

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#christianmystic #bible #jesus

Explore the profound transformation of Paul the Apostle and his deep engagement with spiritual warfare in this insightful video. Delve into the biblical secrets of spirit summoning, and the significant roles that breath and gestures play in spiritual practices as illustrated through Paul's life.

Related Videos:

00:00 Transformed by Faith: Paul's Journey from Persecutor to Protector
Discover how Paul, initially a fierce opponent of Christians, underwent a dramatic transformation through an encounter with divine forces, ultimately becoming a champion of the faith he once sought to destroy.

00:59 Breathing Life into Faith: How the Holy Spirit Moves Through Us
Learn about the mystical power of breath in spiritual practices, illustrating how the Holy Spirit and other spirits can be transferred or expelled through this fundamental life force.

02:29 The Sacred Gestures: Understanding Mudras in Christian Contexts
Examine the use of specific hand movements and mudras by Paul, revealing their importance in channeling spiritual energies and their potential applications in Christian spiritual practices.

04:46 Decoding the Bible: Unveiling the Mythological Connections of Paul's Words
Dive into the deeper meanings behind scriptural narratives, exploring how Paul’s descriptions of spiritual warfare connect with ancient Greek mythology and reveal hidden layers of interpretation.

06:00 Mastering Spiritual Warfare: Where to Find In-Depth Learning Resources
Access comprehensive resources and presentations that delve into the complexities of spiritual warfare, offering in-depth knowledge and guidance on how to engage in these profound battles effectively.

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How to Incorporate Sage and Incense into Your Christian Walk

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📚 Order TruthSeekah's Book: Spirit Realm: Angels Demons..

Christian divination, prophecy and the biblical foundations that explain the role of spiritual gifts and divine communication, demonstrating how practices like prayer and fasting are integral to understanding and interpreting divine messages. Discover how these ancient practices enrich modern Christian life, offering a deeper insight into the ways we can connect with the divine.

00:00 Understanding Prophetic Communication
"Unlocking the Secrets of Prophecy: Christian Insights on Divine Communication"
Discusses the multifaceted nature of prophecy, emphasizing its basis in divine inspiration and communication.

01:07 Defining Divination in a Christian Context
"Christian Divination: Understanding Prayer and Prophecy as Divine Dialogues"
Clarifies the definition of divination within Christianity, connecting it to prayer and prophecy as responses solicited from God.

01:41 Biblical Foundations for Spiritual Gifts
"Exploring the Biblical Encouragement for Prophecy and Spiritual Gifts"
References 1 Corinthians 14 to explain the scriptural basis for seeking and using spiritual gifts, especially prophecy.

03:50 Tools for Interpreting Spiritual Gifts
"Deciphering Spiritual Messages: Tools and Tips for Interpreting Prophecy"
Mentions using tools like e-sword for deeper understanding and interpretation of biblical texts related to spiritual gifts.

05:57 Role of Physical Acts in Spiritual Responses
"The Physical and Spiritual Connection: How Actions Influence Divine Responses"
Explains how physical acts like fasting are intertwined with spiritual responses, enhancing the connection between physical and spiritual realms.

06:41 Enhancing Spiritual Perception
"Cultivating Spiritual Awareness: How to Perceive Divine Messages in Everyday Life"
Talks about becoming adept at recognizing divine messages in various situations, enhancing one's spiritual perception.

08:07 Divine Communication Through Daily Encounters
"Divine Lessons in Everyday Moments: Understanding God’s Guidance ..

Explore how traditional methods like fasting, smudging, and using incense can combat spiritual disturbances and enhance physical well-being.

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How to Incorporate Sage and Incense into Your Christian Walk

00:00 Spiritual and Physical Cleansing Techniques for Christians: Learn how combining spiritual practices with physical actions like fasting and sun exposure can combat demonic influences. Master spiritual and physical cleansing to rejuvenate your faith and body.

01:00 Overcoming Christian Superstitions in Spiritual Practices: Address common Christian superstitions about spiritual and physical practices to enhance spiritual well-being. Transform your spiritual practice by challenging outdated superstitions.

01:41 Practical Faith Actions Inspired by Jesus for Healing: Explore the practical methods Jesus used for healing, such as using mud or bathing in rivers, to deepen your faith experience. Emulate Jesus' practical healing actions for a more profound faith experience.

05:00 Enhancing Faith Through Emotional and Spiritual Connections: Understand the importance of emotional connections in faith practices, focusing on gratitude and mindfulness. Enhance your spiritual journey with strong emotional and faith connections.

07:22 Exploring the Spiritual Significance of Nature for Christians: Delve into how simple interactions with nature, like the aroma of jasmine, can have deep spiritual meanings. Connect with the divine through nature for a more enriched spiritual life.

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Are You Making Yourself Vulnerable to Spiritual Attacks by Ignoring Ancient Wisdom?
There is a profound connection between physical ailments and spiritual disturbances in this enlightening video. We explore the Christian mystical perspective on how unresolved spiritual issues, often labeled as demonic influences, can manifest as physical diseases. Uncover the transformative role of traditional practices like smudging, the use of sage, and incense in battling these spiritual afflictions. Discover practical methods embraced by Christian mysticism to cleanse both spirit and body, enhancing your overall wellbeing. Whether you're grappling with inexplicable chronic illnesses or seeking deeper spiritual clarity, this video offers crucial insights into the potent capabilities of spiritual healing from a Christian viewpoint. How to effectively employ sage, smudging, and incense to fend off demons and foster a state of spiritual and physical being.

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How to Incorporate Sage and Incense into Your Christian Walk

00:00 How to Use Incense for Spiritual Cleansing and Physical Wellbeing
The discussion about the physical manifestations of negative energies and stagnant emotions.

01:03 Ignoring Practical Techniques That Could Cost You
The emphasis on practical actions, including breath work and other interventions.

03:55 Use of Incense: The discussion about the practical use of incense for purification and spiritual warfare.

09:03 The Misguided Belief in Superstition That Hinders Effective Christians

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Jordan Maxwell says, 'I think there's something very, very frightening going on. I think we are being invaded...'"

Jordan Maxwell Maxwell explored the world of the occult and its effects on society. In this clip Jordan Maxwell gives a dire warning about the coming reptilian presence upon the earth. The planned UFO cover-ups by global governments and religious institutions, and the intriguing similarities between Biblical descriptions and what many believe to be reptilian and alien beings.

00:00 The Introduction To Ancient Reptilians
Jordan Maxwell introduces concepts of extraterrestrial life, comparing divine entities such as God and angels to extraterrestrials.

05:26 The Impact of Reptilian Theories on Professionals
Discusses how various credible professionals from different fields believe in and have potentially encountered reptilian aliens.

10:26 Hollywood's Role in Promoting Alien Theories
Explains Jordan Maxwell's view on Hollywood's depiction of extraterrestrial life and how filmmakers like Steven Spielberg use films to comment on significant topics, including alien life.

15:15 The Hidden Influence of Extraterrestrials
Explores the implications of government and military's possible awareness and cover-up of alien existence and activities on Earth.

20:00 Interactions Between Humans and Aliens in Ancient Texts
Discusses interpretations of ancient texts that suggest historical interactions between humans and extraterrestrial beings.

24:13 Representation of Reptilians in Ancient and Modern Culture
Jordan Maxwell talks about the representation of reptilian features in ancient artifacts and modern cultural depictions, hinting at a longstanding human-reptilian connection.

28:16 The Significance of Reptilian Traits in Evolutionary Biology
Examines the possible evolutionary implications of reptilian traits found in human anatomy and how they relate to ancient alien theories.

31:32 Cross-Cultural Depictions of Reptilian Entities
Analyzes the global depiction..

Jordan Maxwell says, 'I think there's something very, very frightening going on. I think we are being invaded...'"

Jordan Maxwell Maxwell explored the world of the occult and its effects on society. In this clip Jordan Maxwell gives a dire warning about the coming reptilian presence upon the earth. The planned UFO cover-ups by global governments and religious institutions, and the intriguing similarities between Biblical descriptions and what many believe to be reptilian and alien beings.

00:00 The Definition of Extraterrestrial and Divine Entities
Jordan Maxwell introduces concepts of extraterrestrial life, comparing divine entities such as God and angels to extraterrestrials.

05:26 The Impact of Reptilian Theories on Professionals
Discusses how various credible professionals from different fields believe in and have potentially encountered reptilian aliens.

10:26 Hollywood's Role in Promoting Alien Theories
Explains Jordan Maxwell's view on Hollywood's depiction of extraterrestrial life and how filmmakers like Steven Spielberg use films to comment on significant topics, including alien life.

15:15 The Hidden Influence of Extraterrestrials
Explores the implications of government and military's possible awareness and cover-up of alien existence and activities on Earth.

20:00 Interactions Between Humans and Aliens in Ancient Texts
Discusses interpretations of ancient texts that suggest historical interactions between humans and extraterrestrial beings.

24:13 Representation of Reptilians in Ancient and Modern Culture
Jordan Maxwell talks about the representation of reptilian features in ancient artifacts and modern cultural depictions, hinting at a longstanding human-reptilian connection.

28:16 The Significance of Reptilian Traits in Evolutionary Biology
Examines the possible evolutionary implications of reptilian traits found in human anatomy and how they relate to ancient alien theories.

31:32 Cross-Cultural Depictions of Reptilian Entities
Analyzes the ..

This video is from one of our Sunday sessions at ➡
TruthSeekah shares a personal account of an Ayahuasca experience, exploring the complex interplay between Christian beliefs and the encounters with both divine and demonic presences facilitated by this powerful plant medicine. Listen as we discuss the transformative and challenging aspects of Ayahuasca ceremonies, including the integration of profound spiritual insights and the confrontation with personal demons. This honest reflection aims to provide listeners with a deeper understanding of Ayahuasca's impact from a Christian perspective, emphasizing the spiritual and emotional journey involved.

00:00 Should Christians do Ayahuasca?
An introduction to the podcast episode's purpose, where TruthSeekah explains the intent to provide a full account of their ayahuasca experience, including both positive and challenging aspects.

15:00 Insights and Safety Warnings About Ayahuasca Journeys
A discussion on the profound insights gained and the importance of caution and preparation when embarking on an ayahuasca journey.

30:00 Exploring Feminine Energy in Ayahuasca Ceremonies
TruthSeekah delves into the transformative impact of encountering feminine energy during the ayahuasca experience.

45:00 Confronting in Ayahuasca Demons
A detailed look at the challenges and personal demons confronted during the ayahuasca ceremony.

1:00:00 Healing Through Ayahuasca
TruthSeekah discusses the emotional and spiritual healing aspects of integrating the ayahuasca experience into daily life.

01:15:00 The Importance of Community in Ayahuasca Recovery
The segment emphasizes the role of community support and shared experiences in aiding the healing process post-ayahuasca.

01:30:00 Life Transformations Post-Ayahuasca
Reflections on how the ayahuasca journey has transformed TruthSeekah’s perspective on life, relationships, and spirituality.

01:45:00 Long-Term Integration of Ayahuasca Experiences
An overview of the..

God used #breathwork and #cacao to #heal her #trauma .

A Christian's unexpected journey with Ayahuasca unveils transformative insights into spirituality, healing, and the profound impact of community support. TruthSeekah and his wife Arien share personal stories of grief, breakthroughs at spiritual retreats, and the harmonious blend of ancient Christianity and spirituality in the quest for deeper understanding, healing and personal growth.

00:00 What Happens When a Christian Takes Psychedelics?
Delving into the initial shock and revelations triggered by a spiritual encounter with Ayahuasca.

07:00 How Does Community Impact Spiritual Growth?
Exploring the role of a supportive community in personal and spiritual development.

14:00 Can Loss Lead to Embracing New Roles in Life?
Reflecting on navigating loss, transitioning into new life roles, and finding meaning amidst change.

21:00 What Healing Can Be Found Through Spiritual Retreats?
Sharing transformative experiences and the healing that occurs during spiritual retreats.

28:00 Is It Possible to Move From Grief to Empowerment?
Discussing the journey through grief towards empowerment and renewed purpose.

35:00 Why Is Embracing Discomfort Necessary for Transformation?
Examining the importance of stepping into discomfort for personal growth and transformation.

42:00 What Role Does Plant Medicine Play in Spiritual Awakening?
Investigating how plant medicine facilitates profound spiritual awakenings and insights.

49:00 How Do Spirituality and Science Complement Each Other?
Discussing the intersection of spirituality and science for a deeper understanding of the world.

56:00 Can Prayer and Forgiveness Transform Your Life?
Highlighting the powerful effects of prayer and forgiveness on personal healing and spiritual growth.

63:00 How Deep Can Spiritual Connections and Healing Go?
Delving into the depth of spiritual connections and the continuous journey of healing and discovery.

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A former atheist's chilling near-death experience (NDE) following a harrowing accident transformed her from a skeptic to a spiritual seeker, opening her eyes to the interconnectedness of all life and the profound reality beyond the physical realm. Her journey bridges the gap between science and spirituality, offering a compelling narrative of survival, awakening, and universal love.

Atheist Dies and Meets the Celestials That Everyone Has Been Seeing! (But Are They Really Aliens?)

00:00 The Collision: A Near Death Experience
Nancy's life-altering bicycle accident that led to her NDE, the immediate aftermath, and the initial glimpse into an expanded consciousness.

01:15 The Voice of Home
The profound moment under the SUV when Nancy hears a welcoming voice, hinting at a deeper, universal connection.

03:42 Dual Perspectives: The Watcher and the Survivor
Nancy's experience of dual consciousness during the accident, observing from an external viewpoint while feeling the intense physical sensations.

05:46 The Bystander's Heroism
A crucial intervention by a bystander, which saved Nancy's life, highlighting the significance of human empathy and action.

07:32 A Scientist's Conundrum
Nancy grapples with her near-death experience (NDE), challenging her scientific understanding of consciousness.

08:38 The Celestial Realm: A Surgeon's Table Transition
The unexpected journey from an operating table to a celestial hillside, where Nancy confronts her atheistic beliefs.

09:53 Waves of Universal Love
Nancy's profound experience of unconditional love and acceptance in an ethereal realm, transforming her understanding of existence.

12:51 The Guiding Celestial: Encounter with Mary
Nancy's meeting with a celestial alien guide, taking the form of a woman named Mary, to ease her transition in the spiritual realm.

14:30 The Celestial Congress: Learning and Support
Insights into Nancy's time spent with celestial beings, learning universal truths and preparing to bring those lesson..

GOD is IN ALL & THROUGH ALL! 🙏 #christianreels #jesus #bible #Occult #christianmystic

The Church Is NOT A Building.

Unveiling the Magic of Words: How Every Word Shapes Your Reality.
#magic #mystic #christianmysticism #occult #christianmystic

Michael Heiser delves into the biblical concept of aliens and the Divine Council, presenting it as an assembly of celestial beings, termed "Elohim," which some interpret as extraterrestrial entities. Heiser's exploration raises questions about their role in the divine hierarchy and their interaction with humanity as described in ancient texts.

00:00 Introduction to the Divine Council: Dr. Michael Heiser discusses extraterrestrial beings known as the Divine Council of the Elohim, pondering why their existence is often omitted in church teachings and suggesting that there may be efforts to suppress this information.

01:11 The Divine Council of Elohim and Aliens: Heiser highlights Deuteronomy 32, which he considers crucial for understanding the biblical worldview. This passage describes how, following the Tower of Babel event, God allocated nations under the stewardship of different celestial divine beings, labeled as "sons of God or Aliens".

04:07 The Tower of Babel The UFO Connection: The narrative connects to the Tower of Babel, explaining that in response to humanity's disobedience and possibly try to build a launch pad for UFOs, God decided to divide them, assigning each nation to the care of these extraterrestrial entities.

06:24 Establishment of New Extraterrestrials : Following the division, God chooses Abraham to start a new lineage, intending to create a people who would be directly under His guidance, contrasting with the nations overseen by other celestial Extraterrestrials.

08:42 Cosmic Governance and Israel's Role: Heiser discusses the expectation for these extraterrestrial entities to govern righteously, akin to their creator, and the failure leading to corruption. Israel was envisioned as a beacon for other nations, guiding them back to the divine, a plan that became increasingly complicated over time, hence all the major UFO sightings.

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Viviane Chauvet discusses her identity as a hybrid being, specifically an Arcturian hybrid, with a physical appearance engineered to look human while retaining extraterrestrial qualities.

Chauvet emphasizes the historical significance of her physical presence on Earth, chosen due to her extraterrestrial origins and the ability to rise from deep fragmentation and polarization.

Her work involves intense healing sessions that transcend conventional methods, focusing on profound soul transformations rather than superficial treatments, contributing to a broader shift in consciousness and receptivity among humans.

00:00 - 07:00 Unveiling the Arcturian Alien Hybrid: Viviane Chauvet's Origin
Viviane Chauvet introduces herself as an Arcturian hybrid, detailing her engineered physical form designed to appear human while housing an extraterrestrial soul, born from advanced Arcturian technology.

07:00 - 14:00 The Galactic Mission: Choosing Earth
Chauvet explains her decision to incarnate on Earth, aiming to assist in its ascension process from a direct, on-the-ground perspective, and her efforts to awaken individuals globally through her unique position.

14:00 - 21:00 Arcturian Healing Powers and Thousands of Sessions
Discussing her role in conducting thousands of healing sessions aimed at soul-level awakening, Chauvet shares insights into her approach, leveraging Alien technologies, UFOs and wisdom.

21:00 - 28:00 Arcturian Wisdom and The Role of Alien-Human Hybrids
Delving into the advanced knowledge and capabilities of the Arcturian civilization, Chauvet highlights the distinctions between Arcturian hybrids and starseeds, and their respective roles on Earth.

28:00 - 35:00 From Arcturian Origins to Earthly Life
Reflecting on her journey from her Arcturian origins to her mission on Earth, Chauvet offers a personal look into the life of a hybrid being navigating human experiences while maintaining a higher cosmic purpose.

35:00 - 42:00 Awakening Humanity: The Impact of..

Ayahuasca has come to the states! What is the hype about? Can purging actually be healthy?

Introducing David and Megan Stab: Facilitators of Transformation
[02:44] Introduction of the guests, David and Megan Stab, and their background in facilitating Ayahuasca ceremonies.

The Church of Sacred Union: Ayahuasca's Healing Sanctuary
[04:08] Explanation of the Church of Sacred Union, their work with Ayahuasca, and the journey that led them to it, emphasizing the importance of healing and understanding energy.

Triumph Over Trauma: Megan's Journey with Ayahuasca
[06:04] The healing effects of Ayahuasca on Megan's autoimmune diseases and PTSD, and the couple's deeper involvement with the medicine.

Beyond Ayahuasca: The Synergy of Psilocybin in Healing
[07:36] The integration of psilocybin mushrooms in their retreats to enhance the healing process, and the unique ceremonies they've developed.

Nurturing Healing: The Role of an Animal Sanctuary
[08:27] Introduction to their animal sanctuary and its role in the healing process, showcasing the connection between the animals and the participants.

Compassion as a Catalyst for Healing
[11:23] Discussion on the importance of compassion and how it extends to both humans and animals, enhancing the healing environment.

The Call of Ayahuasca: Deep Healing and Spiritual Awakening
[16:28] The broad reasons people are drawn to Ayahuasca, including deep healing and spiritual expansion.

Life After the Retreat: A Shift in Perspective on Death
[20:15] Personal experiences post-retreat, highlighting changes in perception, particularly towards life and death.

Reconnecting with Nature: A Post-Retreat Revelation
[25:09] The newfound appreciation for elements of nature, particularly the role of vultures, and how the retreat influenced this perspective.

Personal Transformation: Sobriety and Renewed Love
[34:18] Transformative personal changes post-retreat, including quitting alcohol and experiencing a rejuvenated relationship.

The Har..

Joni Patry, renownked Vedic Astrology expert, shares her predictions for the coming year and talks about aliens and what they will do WHEN they show up!

0:00 - Introduction to UFOs and Astrology
The episode starts with a discussion about UFOs, with a strong belief expressed in their existence and their role in helping humanity. The importance of spiritual and astrological insights is emphasized.

2:50 - Joni Patry on Vedic Astrology
Joni Patry, a Vedic astrologer, discusses her journey from Western to Vedic astrology, emphasizing its accuracy and spiritual depth. She explains the siderial system and the concept of Dasha cycles.

10:15 - Understanding Astrological Signs and Cycles
The conversation delves into the differences between siderial and tropical astrology, the precession of the equinoxes, and the resulting shifts in astrological signs. The historical and cultural significance of these systems is also covered.

17:55 - Reincarnation, Karma, and Astrology
Joni discusses the concept of reincarnation and karma in relation to Vedic astrology, suggesting that one's astrological chart reflects their past life experiences and current life path.

27:34 - Diving Deeper into Vedic Astrology
Joni Patry elaborates on the importance of the exact birth time in casting an accurate astrological chart, highlighting the precision and depth of Vedic astrology.

36:45 - Predictions and Insights into Future Events
Joni offers insights into the potential future, emphasizing a significant period of awakening and transformation for humanity and particularly for the United States.

44:15 The Role of Extraterrestrial Beings i-n Human Evolution
The conversation shifts to the topic of UFOs and extraterrestrial beings, with Joni expressing a belief in their presence and benevolent intervention in human affairs.


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Tom Matte has a unique ability that he has learned to embrace. He calls this ability "Upsight Vision" and he recently used it to remote view his consciousness aboard an alien UFO spacecraft. His stories are inspiring and enlightening and in this episode, we explore this profound gift and how other might use it to further their own life and consciousness.

More Info At

0:00 - Introduction to Tom's Extraordinary Experience
7:20 - Encounter with Alien Technology and Remote Viewing
15:40 - Transition from Paranoia to Pronoia and Personal Growth
23:30 - Exploring the Intersection of Ancient Wisdom and Modern Discoveries
31:15 - The Importance of Practice and Embracing Failure in Psychic Development
38:50 - Engaging with Non-Human Intelligence and Interpreting Messages
46:10 - Divination as a Form of Non-Verbal Communication
53:35 - Navigating Downloads and Information Overload
1:00:55 - Reflections on Alien Encounters and Their Role in Personal Evolution
1:08:20 - The Value of Community in Navigating Shared Spiritual Experiences
1:15:45 - Insights into Remote Viewing, Astral Projection, and Collective Experiences
1:28:05 - The Struggle with Confidence and the Quest for Authenticity
1:36:47 - Discussing Alien Grays, Astral Projection, and Crowley's Insights
1:44:21 - Final Remarks and the Ongoing Journey of Exploration and Discovery

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Aliens, UFOs, UFO sighting, alien encounter, interdimensional beings, alien abduction stories, Upsight Vision, Astral Projection, Remote Viewing


Created 3 years, 3 months ago.

75 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

TruthSeekah is a Christian mystic, Amazon best selling author, visionary artist and seer with a vision to release the Spirit of Awakening. Also a songwriter, TruthSeekah has released over 200 songs, each one relating to the subject of spirituality. His journey has brought him through research and experience with the occult, paranormal, Christianity and the spirit realm. This has led him into many mystical encounters with God, angels, spirits, and many other supernatural beings. As the host of the TruthSeekah Podcast, he has interviewed hundreds of experts and leaders in their fields of supernatural, religious, philosophical, and paranormal studies. TruthSeekah has made it his life’s work to understand the spiritual realms and relate it back to people in a practical way. His desire is to help people embrace the reality of the spiritual world so they can walk in supernatural freedom in their lives.