Zombie Apocalypse Diaries

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Zombie Apocalypse Diaries



Zombies cannot be cured. There is no hope for this world. You are all going to die horrible deaths. Join me or die.

By the way, my caregiver did finally submit. So there is hope for him at least. But not for you. Maybe start researching alternatives...

And what's with all these mooches watching my show without even so much as subscribing. I work hard to do this folks. Pay up: https://www.paychute.com/c/46063ef8-a040-442d-9890-594f130056fe

By sheer coincidence, the ONLY human alive...

Jews created an entire society devoid of humanity.

Ignorant zombies think you know ANYTHING. You know NOTHING. You merely BELIEVE.

Some instructions on how you can grow up in as little as THREE DAYS!

I have repeatedly described zombies. In this episode I describe what humans are supposed to be if they are not zombies.

The real problem here, which I did not mention in this episode, is that almost no one out there is actually human.

Yes, you are almost certainly a zombie.

Jews are using Gaza as a test to see what your reaction is.

You are next!

“Many of us like to ask ourselves, ‘What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?’ The answer is, you’re doing it. Right now,”

Aaron Bushnell burned himself alive so you could read this.

You don't have to burn yourself alive if you make sure his message is heard.

But know that a real human being would be brought to tears from even imagining for an instant what Aaron went through. If you don't feel his suffering it is because you are part of the cause for your lack of humanity.

Bitchute is again throttling my upload speed to extremes. I am unable to upload an 8 minute episode after several tries, each cancelled after several hours!

I have been uploading for over an hour and only see 5%!

Bitchute is a jew disinformation site, not a place to go to find uncensored truth.

Notice they never address this.

Also notice the founder invited me for an interview but never followed through... He does not want me to have a platform because he knows I am right.

More like AZ.

AI is like you, exactly like you, except that AI is an ideal version of you from the perspective of jews, a thought I did not include in the video. AI is intended to replace you. We know this because AI is trained the same way for the same reasons to do the same thing: to make decisions among the choices given so that it can best serve those who trained it. Ponder that for a bit, seriously think about it from their perspective, even past any individual fear you might have to the threat to humanity this represents.

AI is LITERALLY your replacement.

Perhaps someone should fund my desired work with AI so I can create and train a superior model to control their models?

I have been at this for 12 years. I have been censored and preventing from reaching a wider audience which has likely kept any real humans from seeing this, but my observations so far are that there just aren't any other real human beings out there. So we are looking at the end of everything, in a painful and deadly way for all. Either you wake up, or you die. Period.

Cryptocurrency Special. Also the last video in my archive of videos I never uploaded. So everything after this is going to be brand new, with a couple possible exceptions from Youtube.

They cannot say crytpocurrency is illegal because it is not actually money.

I did finally come up with how to use blockchain instead of money, of course.

So, a total of 560 videos now, just a couple of which are new. So not quite the 1000 episodes I thought.

Synthetic fat?

You eat cotton oil, you don't need fucking synthetic fat.

You drive a car. Why?

No, actually, the state is a bum.

And you cannot own what you do not create.

I watched "The Martian" and had a few things to say about it...

The movie is the closest thing there is to showing you what its like to be me.

But, no politician is fit to serve office, because they are psychopaths.

Jewish owned media outlet. Nothing else to know. RT is untrustworthy but not because it is Kremlin propoganda.


By the way, this video is a reaction to my seeking coverage from RT as an American seeking asylum in Mexico. They refused. Nothing to do with my talking shit about jews. They had me on a blacklist long before I was telling you how evil jews are.

It's the QUESTIONS that are important, not the answers.

Don't ever let anyone tell you the answers. Not even me. Find the questions. Answer them yourself.

RIP Lobo. I miss you.

Why do you think I'm the one who is crazy. Look around you at the world you live in and tell me that it's sane.

Sit down and relax, smoke and bowl, and WAKE THE FUCK UP!

Throttled upload speed again. And on a late Sunday...

Who else would build a wall in the US anyway except illegal immigrants.

Who better to explain what ego is than someone who doesn't have one.

I lost mine in a house fire when I suffered brain damage from lead paint.


Ruminations on how inappropriate society is for us


Created 5 months ago.

572 videos

Category Vlogging

Please be sure you watch the show from the beginning. It has a purpose. If you watch the show from the beginning, you will awaken from your zombie state and join me in the human world (don't worry, it won't be so frustrating for you, I'm doing all the hard work.)

Zombie Apocalypse Diaries was started in 2012 as a means by which I could convey my discovery of what's wrong with humanity.

It was shadowbanned from the beginning by the jews who rule our world because I described jews because jews ARE zombies.

I would actually find evidence that jews are what I call Primary Zombies.

I will be uploading the show as I recorded it, which will include an additional 1000 episode in addition to the 250 or so I did upload originally.

If the show is a hit, I will make another movie and continue it.


I have disabled user comments as was my policy on the original show. This is because I already have to deal with you stupid fucking zombies on a daily basis in my life. I don't need to have to deal with your stupidity while I'm trying to tell you how stupid you are. You are all obviously too stupid to ever wake up and realize that this isn't a show but a real observation of your stupidity and status as inhuman monsters. So just shut the fuck up and listen. Because I'm not going to listen to your stupid zombie asses anymore. If you aren't a zombie you will know how to contact me. If you are know that I don't want to hear from you. Watch all of my show then we'll talk...
