Kettlebell Invictus

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Kettlebell Invictus

Kettlebell Invictus


came across some videos of people chronicling their challenge at waking up early. And I thought man, what a luxury. Busy professionals don't have that choice. We're up early. We have kids, businesses, careers and other obligations that require us to up with the sun. In this video I discuss why your fitness program might not be working. It's not working because it caters to people who have the option of getting up early. Who have hours to spend in the gym and measuring, pre-cooking and pre-packing all their food. Not you. There is a better way. Check us out today!

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Fat Loss Coaching For Busy Professionals:

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Why isn't your diet working? It's not the exercise. It's not the food. And it's NOT you! Your current or past diets haven't worked because they don't fit into your busy lifestyle. In this video I break down the BIG 4 reasons conventional diets fail. Check it out!

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Fat Loss Coaching For Busy Professionals:

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So what should you do with your kettlebell? How should you design your workout? Should you trust everything you see on the internet? No. In this video we go over the good, bad and the ugly. Check it out!

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The Intermittent Fasting Bible:

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What Is The "Intermittent Fasting" Bible? It is THE guide for intermittent fasting. A lot has been said about IF lately. Many books on the subject are overstuffed and overcomplicated. "The Intermittent Fasting Bible" is the definitive guide that breaks down what you need to know to get results, now. Click the link to download your copy! The Intermittent Fasting Bible:

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The Intermittent Fasting Bible:

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The keto diet is all the rage. And now you can ingest ketones to "reap the same benefits" as ketosis. But does this really work? Is taking ketones and being in ketosis the same thing? Do ketones cause weight loss or are they a byproduct of it? Check out the video out now!

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The Intermittent Fasting Bible:

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When something becomes more complicated does that make it better? Can a fat loss program really be simple and effective? In this video we look over some conventional diet programming and talk about why it's not working for you. The diet works, technically. But it's stopped being compatible with your busy life. Compatibility is key. I mean technically a firehose will clean your teeth. But is that really a compatible solution? Check out the video to see what I mean!

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The Intermittent Fasting Bible:

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Struggling to lose weight? There are more factors at play than you realize. Fat loss is not a simple game of calories in vs calories out. Not in the world we live in today. If it were fat loss would be easy and obesity wouldn't be an epidemic.

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The Intermittent Fasting Bible:

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Struggling to lose weight? There are more factors at play than you realize. Fat loss is not a simple game of calories in vs calories out. Not in the world we live in today. If it were fat loss would be easy and obesity wouldn't be an epidemic.

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The Intermittent Fasting Bible:

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Struggling to lose weight? There are more factors at play than you realize. Fat loss is not a simple game of calories in vs calories out. Not in the world we live in today. If it were fat loss would be easy and obesity wouldn't be an epidemic.

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The Intermittent Fasting Bible:

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Why is it so hard to get in shape? It's not. Unless you're doing things the "old way." The HARD way. Busy parents, career professionals, business owners, etc. don't have all day to spend at the gym or counting calories. Sedentary jobs, stress, and a busy lifestyle are a recipe for a health disaster. Kettlebell Invictus is a fitness program developed by busy professionals for busy professionals. Check us out!

We spend a lot of time talking about our goals and imaging how great everything will be once we get there. Many of us even commit to those goals. But there's a flaw. We commit to the goal but we don't commit to the process.
Read the article here:

Warpath kettlebell is different. We are a movement and a mentality as much as we are a fitness program. We do not cling to traditional fitness dogma or conventional wisdom. We're here to show you how kettlebell training can change your life. Here's 5 reasons how.
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Warpath kettlebell is different. We are a movement and a mentality as much as we are a fitness program. We do not cling to traditional fitness dogma or conventional wisdom. We're here to show you how kettlebell training can change your life. Here's 5 reasons how.
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Warpath kettlebell is different. We are a movement and a mentality as much as we are a fitness program. We do not cling to traditional fitness dogma or conventional wisdom. We're here to show you how kettlebell training can change your life. Here's 5 reasons how.
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Warpath kettlebell is different. We are a movement and a mentality as much as we are a fitness program. We do not cling to traditional fitness dogma or conventional wisdom. We're here to show you how kettlebell training can change your life. Here's 5 reasons how.
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Warpath kettlebell is different. We are a movement and a mentality as much as we are a fitness program. We do not cling to traditional fitness dogma or conventional wisdom. We're here to show you how kettlebell training can change your life. Here's 5 reasons how.
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If your fitness program is no longer working. If you're stuck. If you just can't seem to find a routine that fits into your life. It's time to forget everything you thought you knew about fitness and fat loss.
Check it out here:

In this video we discuss the 5 best movements for you to train with you kettlebells. Forget about fancy and complicated flow workouts. Train the basics to become leaner, stronger and more powerful and explosive!
Check out the article here:

In this video we discuss the 5 best movements for you to train with you kettlebells. Forget about fancy and complicated flow workouts. Train the basics to become leaner, stronger and more powerful and explosive!
Check out the article here:

In this video we discuss the 5 best movements for you to train with you kettlebells. Forget about fancy and complicated flow workouts. Train the basics to become leaner, stronger and more powerful and explosive!
Check out the article here:

The Kettlebell Snatch/Thruster Workout is a killer. The combination of exercises he strung together, the rep range, and the fact that he did the whole thing without stopping. You can find lots of videos of people working out in their living rooms. Most of them suck. This one is different. Check it out here:

Intermittent fasting is the best way to burn fat and build muscle. Learn the natural way to reduce calories, control insulin, and promote human growth hormone naturally. Check it out here:

In this video I break down the "why" of kettlebell training. Kettlebell training breaks down into 3 big advantages over every other training modality. They are: "The Big 3": Strength, Fat loss and Explosive Power Development. Simplicity. And Return On Investment of time, energy, and investment. Check it out here:

In this video I break down the "why" of kettlebell training. Kettlebell training breaks down into 3 big advantages over every other training modality. They are: "The Big 3": Strength, Fat loss and Explosive Power Development. Simplicity. And Return On Investment of time, energy, and investment. Check it out here:

In this video I break down the "why" of kettlebell training. Kettlebell training breaks down into 3 big advantages over every other training modality. They are: "The Big 3": Strength, Fat loss and Explosive Power Development. Simplicity. And Return On Investment of time, energy, and investment. Check it out here:


Created 2 years, 6 months ago.

35 videos

Category Sports & Fitness

Why is it so hard to get in shape? It's not. Unless you're doing things the "old way." The HARD way. Busy parents, career professionals, business owners, etc. don't have all day to spend at the gym or counting calories. Sedentary jobs, stress, and a busy lifestyle are a recipe for a health disaster. Kettlebell Invictus is a fitness program developed by busy professionals for busy professionals. Check us out!